Friday, July 18, 2008

How in the world can we give the gospel to every person?

How in the world can a person "preach the gospel to every person" Mk 16:15.

Let's be practical. How in the world can a person "preach the gospel to every person" Mk 16:15. One Way is to give each person you have a personal contact, a good gospel filled tract. It must tell how Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. That is God's definition of the FULL gospel (1 Cor 15:1-4) which is the power of God unto salvation (Rom 1:16) to them who believe. "How can they believe if they never hear?" Rom 10:14. We each have an inner and outer circle of friends that we must take responsibility for.

Here is a practical plan that could change our nation and yours, dramatically. They say there are 50 million Born Again Christians in America. If each one, won one in one year, by the end of one year we would have 100 million Born Again Christians. Then next year each one , won one, in one year, we would have 200 million Born Again Christians in America. That would make a dramatic difference. Make Sense? "He that sows bountifully will reap bountifully" 2 Cor 9:6. Why don't YOU ask the Lord for one soul a month in your country? "Ye have not because you ask not" James 4:2.

To God be the glory, I ask for souls daily and it is staggering how God brings them across my path. He will for you too if you JUST ASK HIM AND OBEY HIM.

Last Sunday July 6, Celeste and I ate in a supersalad cafeteria, the first time ever there. They were very busy. I gave our waitress "Your Ticket to Heaven" and just told her, "Please read this and remember an 85 year old man cares whether you go to heaven or not." For many years I have said this to people and found God uses that in peoples heart. All week I have prayed for her. This is the most powerful thing to do.

We went back today and saw the waitress. I asked if she read the tract. She had. Then I told her how the Lord Jesus loved her, suffered and died for her sins and mine. He paid the debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds." The whole issue is did He pay for her sins or didn't He. It was so beautiful how God opened the eyes of her understanding. By now tears were in her eyes. When I asked if she wanted to pray with me and tell God she wanted to receive the Lord Jesus as her Savior. She gladly consented and prayed right there to receive the Lord Jesus. She looked up with her face beaming, tears in her eyes and assurance in her heart she was now saved.

We must plant a lot of seed. It is most thrilling when we get to pick the fruit from seed we have planted. The harvest really is plenteous. I hope you are planting seed and picking fruit as well. Let's change the world. Today may be your last chance to win a soul. Jesus is coming any minute now. YOU are loved by God and me, ABC Sumner

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" Rom 10:13.

Go to enter the drawing to win a pack of tracts "Your Ticket to Heaven" or to order them call 1-877-872-2871. It is a the easiest to give out and open the door to share the gospel. Read challenging articles.

"Every person is a prospect for salvation."


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How I taught our people to witness easily and effectively

What is the greatest and most important thing to ever happen to you? We would all agree, getting saved. We are going to heaven instead of hell! What then is the most important thing we can do for someone else? Give them the gospel and see them get saved.

You and I got saved because someone personally preached the gospel to us like Phillip did to the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8 or publicly preached the gospel to us like Peter in Acts 2. The vast majority will never be in a church to hear the gospel publicly so we must preach the gospel to them personally like Jesus did to the woman at the well who then brought a whole city to Jesus. Make sense?

We are commanded to "preach the gospel to EVERY person" Mk 16:15. It all begins when we really acknowledge Jesus is LORD. Then like Peter, when Jesus said to Peter let down your nets for a draught of fishes, Peter said and we MUST TOO if we acknowledge Him as Lord, "AT THY WORD I WILL." Lk 5:5. He then caught the greatest catch of his life. Jesus said, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not the things which I say?" Lk 6:46. Obedience, that is the rock bottom decision that must be made to be a soul winner and help change the world. And does it ever need changing.

The world is in a critical stage of decay and we Christians are to blame. We alone have the answer to cure our problems. BUT "While men (we Christians) slept the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way" Matt 13:25. WE Christians are not sowing enough seed. When studies prove less than 5 % of born again Christians ever win a soul to Christ, they have uncovered the problem. We haven't sown enough seed. The harvest indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few. YOU and I are not reaping enough of the harvest. Make sense? I am not trying to lay guilt on you but to plead with you to lay up treasures in heaven and get in the game and thrill of winning souls to Christ and help change the world. Why not say right now, "At thy word I will." "To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to him it is sin" Jas. 4:17.

Stay with us and see how easy it is to witness and win souls. ABC Sumner

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:19. Believe it?

"Your Ticket to Heaven" is the best tool I have used to help win the lost." from one of you. Call 1-877-872-2871 and order some. I get no royalties from them. Go to and read articles to be blessed.

"I would think it greater happiness to win one soul to Christ than to gain mountains of gold and silver for myself" Mathew Henry 

Monday, July 14, 2008

How to witness easily and effectively

What is the greatest and most important thing to ever happen to you? We would all agree, getting saved. We are going to heaven instead of hell! What then is the most important thing we can do for someone else? Give them the gospel and see them get saved.
You and I got saved because someone personally preached the gospel to us like Phillip did to the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8 or publicly preached the gospel to us like Peter in Acts 2. The vast majority will never be in a church to hear the gospel publicly so we must preach the gospel to them personally like Jesus did to the woman at the well who then brought a whole city to Jesus. Make sense?
We are commanded to "preach the gospel to EVERY person" Mk 16:15. It all begins when we really acknowledge Jesus is LORD. Then like Peter, when Jesus said to Peter let down your nets for a draught of fishes, Peter said and we MUST TOO if we acknowledge Him as Lord, "AT THY WORD I WILL." Lk 5:5. He then caught the greatest catch of his life. Jesus said, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord and do not the things which I say?" Lk 6:46. Obedience, that is the rock bottom decision that must be made to be a soul winner and help change the world. And does it ever need changing.
The world is in a critical stage of decay and we Christians are to blame. We alone have the answer to cure our problems. BUT "While men (we Christians) slept the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way" Matt 13:25. WE Christians are not sowing enough seed. When studies prove less than 5 % of born again Christians ever win a soul to Christ, they have uncovered the problem. We haven't sown enough seed. The harvesst indeed is plenteous, but the laborers are few. YOU and I are not reaping enough of the harvest. Make sense? I am not trying to lay guilt on you but to plead with you to lay up treasures in heaven and get in the game and thrill of winning souls to Christ and help change the world. Why not say right now, "At thy word I will."
Stay with us and see how easy it is to witness and win souls. ABC Sumner
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:19. Believe it?
"Your Ticket to Heaven" is the best tool I have used to help win the lost. Call 1-877-872-2871 and order some. I get no royalties from them. Go to and read articles to be blessed.
"I would think it greater happiness to win one soul to Christ than to gain mountains of gold and silver for myself" Mathew Henry