Friday, March 21, 2008

Mar 24, 1940 I got saved. 68 years ago this Sunday, I have never been the same

Mar 24, 1940, I got saved,  68 years ago this Sunday. I have never been the same. See how.

God gave me the joy of sending 4000 "Tickets to Heaven" (instead of
flowers) to give Franklin Street Baptist Church, Jax. Fla. people Sunday to get the gospel to people all this year. Well Glory

The third Sunday, I went to church Sunday morning and Sunday evening. A very strange thing happened. Somehow, this girl did not save me a seat in church Sunday night. It really bugged me. I sat across the church from her, next to Johnny.

God caused it but I do not know how. That night I was riveted to the sermon. I realized I was lost. I understood the awesomeness that the Lord Jesus suffered and died for my sins too. I realized He arose and was alive now and was seen by hundreds.  I needed to receive him as my Savior.

When Pat Wimberly gave the invitation, I turned to Johnny and said, "I'm going".  I wish I had a picture of the look on Johnny's face of surprise. He knew me. He could not believe I was going to get saved. When I stepped into the aisle and started toward the pastor, people burst into tears all over the Church. They had been praying for me. That dear people is one thing that is missing to day.  Half of the choir had to sit down they were crying so hard and I am not exaggerating one bit.

The pastor came down to meet me. He put his arm around my shoulder and told me again how the Lord Jesus suffered and died for my sins and rose again. Sumner, do you understand that? (That is so important according to Mt.13:23). Do you believe that? Do you want to receive Him as your Savior too? To all of these I answered "Yes sir". So help me, I was not emotional one bit. I was not about to cry. He prayed with me and almighty God saved me that night, March 24, 1940 and I have not gotten over it yet and by His grace I never will.

Now, please remember this. In Deut. 16:3 God said to Israel, don't you forget the day thou camest out of the bondage of Egypt ...all the days of thy life". The parallel for us today is "don't you forget the day you got saved, out of the bondage of sin ...all the days of your life". I have not and by His grace I never will. I celebrate this day just like I celebrate Oct 26 when I was born the first time. Dear people, that day is more important than when you were born of your mother. Don't you forget it. It will keep you from backsliding, All Because of Calvary, Sumner

The best is yet to come. Share this with others. Invite them to get on our mailing list, Don't miss Monday. See what happened that night and days to come.

I am humbled by His love, saved by His grace, amazed by His goodness, live by His Spirit, pray for His power, weep for the lost, witness for His glory, long for His coming

All new articles on our web site All new drawings. Enter the drawing once a day, daily for the best chance to win. Many do and most win

Get  "Your Ticket to Heaven" Call 1-877-827-2871 ask for "sales" to order them in KJV, Spanish or ESV. Remember, I get nothing for it.  I love YOU, ABC Sumner

Thursday, March 20, 2008

I was so under convition but I did not know what was happeningg

You see I was never in church all those 16 years. My word but the preacher laid it on me worse than ever. But he told me every Sunday that God loved me, Christ died for my sins, paid my debt in full, rose again and was seen alive by hundreds of people. When you get convicted, don't run from God, run to Him.

The youth had a social that Friday night. I went. Was it an eye opener. We had so much fun. The young people were great. I saw real joy like I had not seen with my crowd. No one was cursing or smoking or dirty jokes. There were no hang overs either.

Jake was there and went out of his way to be friendly. What a powerful impression he was making on me. He got me alone and asked if I was a Christian. I will never forget the look of love in his eyes and on his face. When I said  "No" he said he was praying for me and hoped I would become a Christian soon. I was invited back to church.

There is not enough money in the world to equal what Jake and Franklin Street Baptist Church meant to me. It is still there.  Franklin and 16 th St. Jax, Fla. Go visit it. I am going to heaven because the people really cared for me. I hope your church is that concerned about people getting saved. YOU and I must be today. That should be on our minds  24/7. Make sense? We desperately need that love and concern.

The next Sunday did it. What a day. Whatever you do, don't miss the next part. You talk about the hand of God in something.

Almost every day people  were asking this girl if I was saved and said, "I am praying for him." I could not have gone to hell if I wanted to. So many were praying for me.

"I asked God for water, He gave me  an ocean.* I asked God for a flower, He gave  me a garden.* I asked God for a friend, He gave me YOU."

All new articles on our web site All new drawings. Enter the drawing once a day, daily. Many do and most win.

Get  "Your Ticket to Heaven" Call 1-877-827-2871 ask for "sales" to order them in KJV, Spanish or ESV.. ABC Sumner

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

God did all this to get me back to Franklin Street Baptist Church

March 1940, a few months before, my grandfather gave me a bright yellow body, black fenders, wire spoked wheels, sport roadster convertible, with a rumble seat. It was classic. No other kid I knew had their own car. It was rare. Johnny, Gene's brother, said to me, "How about coming back tonight and after church we will get some girls and go down to the beach. (20  miles away) That was the in thing in those days. Was God ever at work.

I saw a girl there that I had seen in school. (I have my wife's permission to tell this) I said to Johnny, get me a date with her and I will. He said he would. She had been going steady with a boy for one year and broke up with him THAT week. You talk about God at work to get me saved. Johnny said he would.

I went back to church, about 200 were there, but I am sure I would not have even thought about going back if Johnny had not asked me to do that. God made him do that. I heard Pat Wimberly again and was terribly convicted but he told me, God loved me and sent Jesus to suffer and die for my sins, paid my debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. I could not get that off my mind.  Preachers MUST included the gospel in every sermon so anyone unsaved could have a chance to get saved.

We went to the beach and I asked the girl for a date the next Friday night. She agreed. Having a car made the real difference. I saw the hand of God all the way through it all. We dated, she asked me back to church. I went. Word spread like a wild fire about this kid coming to church who was lost. People began praying for me like mad. I did not know that part. That is so essential to do in our churches today. I hope they do in YOUR church. If not make it so.

Start with YOU. People today need to be soul conscience and pray with a passion for visitors. It makes all the difference. Franklin Street Baptist  Church was and STILL IS TODAY, one terrific church.

Dr. Terry Gore, a man of God is pastor today and prays for me and this ministry faithfully. I love him and his godly wife Bobbi, dearly as they do me. That is a must also in churches today.

To be continued. The story gets better every day. I am sending a special email Tomorrow's email, The best of all, read how I GET SAVED, miraculous.

WOW This just came to me from one of you, a good pastor who gets our emails.!
"Sumner, your tract 'Your Ticket to Heaven' has given me more opportunities for witnessing than ever before."  It will you and your pastor too, if you will give them out. Call 1-877-872-2871 ask for "SALES"  to order some. I GET NOTHING FOR IT. God and I love you, ABC Sumner

"They rehearsed all that God had done with them" Acts 14:27. We should too! Paul gave his testimony over and over. I am too now.

The Biblical 4 points of Evangelism we MUST give to win souls. 1.
Christ died for our sins, 2. was buried, 3. rose again 4. was seen by hundreds 1 Cor 15:1-4 The only gospel to be saved by. The FULL gospel. Don't add to or take away any or pervert it Gal 1:6-9. Read Phil 1:17, I AM TOO.

Tracts by the scores are going to drawing winners. Be sure to check to see if you got a notice that you won tracts. Enter the drawings daily, many do and most win.


Monday, March 17, 2008

I met Jake, Heard Pat. they made an eternal impact on me. We can. Here is how

My first day in church 68 yrs ago.

When Gene and I got to church, . All  the young people had on ties and coats. I did not own a suit. My shirt tale was hanging out, I had cigarettes in my shirt pocket. Back then teen agers did not smoke in public. I did, my mom and dad and I all smoked.

Gene left me alone while he went to see someone. I felt so out of place. A sharply well dressed business man spotted me, came to me, stuck his hand out  with a warm smile and said, "My names Jake, what's your name?" (don't forget him). You can not know what that meant, the impact still lasts today. I had been run out of the corner drug store. The owner said, stay away I don't want your money. I had stole him blind. I tell it with shame. Jake impacted my life forever. I truly felt someone cared. WE all MUST go our of our way to speak to and welcome new comers to church, ESPECIALLY young people and young couples.

We went to church and the pastor, Pat Wimberly, preached with a passion. He preached against all of my sins. I thought sure Gene had told him all about me. Then he said, "God loves you. He sent the Lord Jesus to suffer and die for your sins, paid the debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people. I had never heard that once in my life. And MOST people you and I know and meet today have not either and must hear. It blew my mind. All of that week I was so under conviction, I thought God was going to kill me. Thank God when you are convicted! It means God has not given up with you. THANKS Gene. To be continued. Wait until you hear the rest. God was at work in so many fantastic ways to get me saved. WOW

WOW This just came to me from one of you, a good pastor!
"Sumner, your tract 'Ticket to Heaven' has given me more opportunities for witnessing than ever before." It will you too, if you will give them out. Call 1-877-872-2871 ask for "SALES"  to order some. I GET NOTHING FOR IT. I love you, ABC Sumner

"They rehearsed all that God had done with them" Acts 14:27.We should too! I am now.

4 points of Evangelism 1. Christ died for our sins, 2. was buried, 3. rose again 4. was seen by hundreds 1 Cor 15:1-4 The only gospel to be saved by. The FULL gospel. Don't add to or take away any or pervert it Gal 1:6-9.