Mar 24, 1940, I got saved, 68 years ago this Sunday. I have never been the same. See how.
God gave me the joy of sending 4000 "Tickets to Heaven" (instead of
flowers) to give Franklin Street Baptist Church, Jax. Fla. people Sunday to get the gospel to people all this year. Well Glory
The third Sunday, I went to church Sunday morning and Sunday evening. A very strange thing happened. Somehow, this girl did not save me a seat in church Sunday night. It really bugged me. I sat across the church from her, next to Johnny.
God caused it but I do not know how. That night I was riveted to the sermon. I realized I was lost. I understood the awesomeness that the Lord Jesus suffered and died for my sins too. I realized He arose and was alive now and was seen by hundreds. I needed to receive him as my Savior.
When Pat Wimberly gave the invitation, I turned to Johnny and said, "I'm going". I wish I had a picture of the look on Johnny's face of surprise. He knew me. He could not believe I was going to get saved. When I stepped into the aisle and started toward the pastor, people burst into tears all over the Church. They had been praying for me. That dear people is one thing that is missing to day. Half of the choir had to sit down they were crying so hard and I am not exaggerating one bit.
The pastor came down to meet me. He put his arm around my shoulder and told me again how the Lord Jesus suffered and died for my sins and rose again. Sumner, do you understand that? (That is so important according to Mt.13:23). Do you believe that? Do you want to receive Him as your Savior too? To all of these I answered "Yes sir". So help me, I was not emotional one bit. I was not about to cry. He prayed with me and almighty God saved me that night, March 24, 1940 and I have not gotten over it yet and by His grace I never will.
Now, please remember this. In Deut. 16:3 God said to Israel, don't you forget the day thou camest out of the bondage of Egypt ...all the days of thy life". The parallel for us today is "don't you forget the day you got saved, out of the bondage of sin ...all the days of your life". I have not and by His grace I never will. I celebrate this day just like I celebrate Oct 26 when I was born the first time. Dear people, that day is more important than when you were born of your mother. Don't you forget it. It will keep you from backsliding, All Because of Calvary, Sumner
The best is yet to come. Share this with others. Invite them to get on our mailing list, Don't miss Monday. See what happened that night and days to come.
I am humbled by His love, saved by His grace, amazed by His goodness, live by His Spirit, pray for His power, weep for the lost, witness for His glory, long for His coming
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Get "Your Ticket to Heaven" Call 1-877-827-2871 ask for "sales" to order them in KJV, Spanish or ESV. Remember, I get nothing for it. I love YOU, ABC Sumner