Friday, July 25, 2008

DAILY pray for souls to be ready so you can lead then to Christ. What a joy

Pray for souls! Seriously, pray God will send to your door, people who are open to the gospel. Hundreds of people have asked me, "How do you find those who are ready?" Simple, I pray EVERY DAY for God to send my way, people who are ready to hear the gospel and keep away those who want to argue. It has been ages since one of the off brand religious groups came to my door. God says, "Don't let them in your house neither bid them God speed." 2 John 7-11.

What about friendship evangelism? Jesus did not spend time making friends with the woman at the well. He went straight to the point of seeing her get saved. What about Phillip and the Ethiopian Eunuch. He did not make friends with him first. We should be as friendly as we can with everyone to win them to Christ. The closer you are to someone, often the slower you must go. BUT, Giving them a tract and knocking at the door of their heart will let you know if they are ready to begin with. Just do not be pushy. If the gospel is an offence that is alright but if I am offensive that is wrong. While some are spending weeks and months to get someone's friendship, most could lead a dozen of two to Christ just walking in the Spirit and giving the gospel to EVERY person they possibly can. Make sense?

At your door or in a store where they are not busy, I hand a person "Your Ticket to Heaven" with a smile on my face and the joy of the Lord in my voice and say, "May I give you something good to read. You will like this, It just tells you how to go to heaven." The response is astounding. Often people grab the tract and say, "I need that." I immediately reply, "We all do." Here is a very important clue to soul winning. Know what you are going to say before you offer them a tract. Don't wait until the last minute, push a panic button and blurt something out. Practice with a friend and do it over and over until you are confidant and sure of what you are going to say. Don't miss Mondays email to see how to do it.

HELP! We lose many of you from our mailing list for a number of reasons. If you stop getting our emails PLEASE drop us a note so we can put you back on.

We don't need a few people to win a lot but a lot of people (every believer) to win a few and we could change the world. Make sense?

Go to Start looking for health tips both Sp & Ph. Enter the drawing once a day, daily to win tracts free. We have given away several thousands to YOU DEAR PEOPLE ABC Sumner


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

There isn't much that soul winning can't fix.

God led me to accept the pastorate of a church in deep trouble. They started an auditorium to seat 1200 people with only 200 people attending and ran out of money with the outside walls built to the tops of the windows and ran out of money. God warns not to start a building without counting the cost lest you cannot finish it and it becomes a scoffing. That is what happened to these dear people. It sat there for about 3 years and the first question was when are you going to finish the building. My first Sunday there, I said, "the first person who asks "When are we going to finish the building, I am going to throw a book at you. We are going fishing for souls first and foremost."

A beautiful 13 year old girl got saved in our church. At ten o'clock, one Saturday night she called and said she had 18 of her family at her house and she was trying to tell them once saved always saved. They did not believe her but would let me come over and try to explain it to them. That just is not the best time for a preacher to be out running around. He usually is spending that time wrapping up his sermon and soaking his heart and mind with the message. Of course I went. It was fantastic. Ann's mother got saved that night. In the next six months everyone in that room had gotten saved.

There is no way one could have planned it the way it happened but seven contractors had gotten saved and an eight contractor who was just a nominal Christian rededicated his life and joined our church.

We had a deacon's meeting and realized we need that auditorium finished. One of the deacons said, "Preacher, we have some new contractors in our church now. " We put their names on a chalk board and what they were contractors of. Each was a contractor in a different area. We called a building committee meeting for Monday night. It was the most awesome meeting I have ever been in. Earl the biggest contractor asked Foy, the smallest contractor, what he was doing now. He was between jobs but had bids out and was sure one would come through that week. Earl said, "Why don't me make Foy the general contractor and we will all work for him and finish that building. That night it was settled and they saved the church the equivalent of one million dollars. Remember Jesus said, go fishing and you will find the money in the fish's mouth.

Only God could have done that. We just went fishing and God sent the right fish our way. Not one church I pastored had any financial problems cause we just kept fishing for men and the finances came in.

ABC Sumner

It is everlasting true, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men"

"Pray for kings and all in authority" 1 Tim. 2:1-4. The whole world is at a fork in the road to go God's way or the lost worlds way.

"Prepare to meet thy God" Amos 4:12.


Monday, July 21, 2008

How to preach the gospel to every person

We are commanded to "preach the gospel" like Phillip did to the Ethiopian Eunuch or like Jesus did to the woman at the well, one on one. A very important part in witnessing, if at all possible, is get people alone, one on one to witness to them. Years ago, I began to realize how important this is. If more than one person is there, Satan will stirs up one to muddy the waters and get you sidetracked.

A good gospel tract is one way to get the gospel to someone when you cannot go into details. They then have a chance to go to heaven. God has given me so many fantastic opportunities of leading a person to Christ whose heart was so ready to be saved because someone else had given them a tract.

By the way, what do you do when someone refuses to take a tract. NOTHING! God says, "shake the dust off your feet" Matt. 10:14. Leave them alone! To do any more almost always leads into an argument with them and "the servant of the Lord MUST not strive" 2 Tim 2:24.They have not rejected you but the Lord. Just look for the ones God has prepared. There are plenty out there. Give a tract to clerks, waiters, waitresses, cashiers etc. I gave a tract to a gas station operator and he blurted out, "Where have you been. I have been wanting to get saved for three weeks." Anyone could have led him to Christ he was so ready." Sow bountifully and you will reap bountifully.

By the way again. Over the years I have stayed in hundreds of motels. The telephone directory is a great place to put two of three tracts. It used to be the Gideon Bible would fall open at Ps 23, people had turn there so many times. Not so today but I put two or three throughout the Bible, in the TV guide etc. Do not put tracts in the mail box. Against the law. Don't put them on windshields of cars. Put a tract in every letter and bill you mail. Oh my. wish I had time to tell of the fantastic stories God has let me experience through tracts. If only one got saved, it would be worth it all.. ABC Sumner

"Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto ...hear the word of my mouth and give them warning from me" Lest "his blood will I require at thine hand." Ez.. 3:17, 18.. "At thy word, I will" Lk 5:5.

Don't forget spiritual and physical health tips, coming soon. Read encouraging articles now.

"Every saved person this side of heaven ought to be vitally concerned about every lost person this side of hell"