Friday, December 7, 2007

Everyone has a chance to know God

"These messages have again challenged me. The Lord is using you to grow
me and His church"

Everyone has a chance to know God.
"The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his
handiwork" Ps 19:1. "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made and
all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. Let all the earth fear
the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him. For
He spake and it was done, he commanded and it stood fast" Ps 33:6-9.
Those millions of stars were not made when '"nothing" exploded with a
big bang and all those stars came out of it. That is totally irrational.
No, God made it all. "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God Ps

How man comes to this
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
and unrighteousness of men who hold "down" the truth in unrighteousness,
Because that which may be known of (about) God is manifest in them for
God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the
creation of the world are CLEARLY SEEN, being understood by the things
that are made, even his eternal power and God head so that THEY ARE
WITHOUT EXCUSE; because that when they knew God they glorified him not
as God, neither were thankful but became vain in their imagination and
their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise they
became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an
image made like unto corruptible man...wherefore God gave them up to
uncleanness through the lusts of their own heart, to dishonor their own
bodies between themselves, who changed the troth of God into a lie and
worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator who is blessed
for ever" Rom. 1:18-25. Now, what do you do with things God lets you
clearly see? We must respond and receive it, Make sense.

That which may be known about God,

1. They hold down (suppress) the truth by their wickedness:
2. Is made plain to them
3. Is clearly seen
4, Being understood.
5. They are without excuse

ALL have had a chance to know there is a God. How sad they reject this
truth. At 17, I had never held a Bible, never heard a sermon but I knew
there was a God. Come back Monday. More proof every person has a chance.
You and I have the fantastic privilege of telling lost people how God
loves them, Christ died for all our sins, paid the debt in full, was
buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds so they can go to heaven.
That is the full gospel. WOW ABC Sumner, lets do it

Sin will take you farther than you want to go.
Keep you longer than you want to stay.
Cost you more than you want to pay.

King James Version and Spanish of "Your Ticket to Heaven" in available.
Call 1-877-872-2871 to order them.

Pray right now for Jose with 70 % burns. For Preacher Bill in deep
trouble financially.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

We are to preach the gospel, not convict the sinner.

Please, PLEASE learn this. We are commanded to "Preach the gospel, THE
GOOD NEWS, to every person" not convict ever person Mark 16:15.

Folks, we have good news not bad news to tell people. Why in the world
are Christians so shy about witnessing? Satan is behind it. To not
witness you are heeding Satan and not the Savior. Quit it!

Stop trying to convict, that is why so many get mad or offended

A sincere, good evangelist preaches and teaches Christians to use the
ten commandments to bring everyone under conviction. He put out a tract
that looks exactly like a million dollar bill. Around the edge of it he
listed ten sins that people commit and tries to bring them under
conviction with it. NOW, when I was shown it, it did not have one word
of the gospel, the good news, that Christ died for our sins and rose
again and was seen by hundreds. The very thing we are commanded to do,
even as an evangelist, he did not do it. We are NOT to bring them under
conviction, that is the Holy Spirit's job and you can count on Him to
do what He is supposed to do. We must be sure we do what we are supposed
to do, give them the gospel. I always see conviction when I witness. The
Holy Spirit never fails. Make sense?

Tell them
God loves you, always tell people this, and sent His Son the Lord Jesus
to surfer and die for my sins and yours, paid our debt in full, was
buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people."
That is the full gospel, the good news you must understand and believe
to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior too. ABC Sumner

What about the heathen?. Has everyone and will everyoine have a chance
to be saved? Wait until I give you the Biblical answer to that. Don't
miss it!

Enter the drawings daily for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the
general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book to 5 winners in
the pastors drawing.

THANKS to all of you sending new people to get our emails.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Scriptural discipleship. Something is usually missing, see what!

Make disciples
"Go therefore and teach all nations (many versions say, "Make disciples
of all nations" Mat 28:19) Question? How do you make disciples? Answer,
give every person you can the gospel for the gospel is "the power of God
unto salvation" that makes them disciples! Right! I am not trying to be
cute or funny but have you heard or read any disciple programs and find
they teach whole heartedly for them to share the gospel and make more
disciples until we change the world for God. Sad to say, it is missing

New converts
Many say or have the attitude, don't send out these new baby Christians
to witness. Really? How about that woman at the well who brought a whole
city to Jesus. She was a brand new believer who had lived a very immoral
life just days before. We need to teach new believers that they have a
circle of influence of about 25 people close to them. Start with them
and do all you can to win them to Christ or get them to church to hear
the gospel. I poured this into our people. It worked beautifully. We
could write a book how our people did that and the church grew by leaps
and bounds.

Old believers
Look around, think carefully. Churches are full of people who have been
saved for many years and have never led someone to Christ.
They too must be challenged and convinced to share the gospel and win
their friends and families to Christ. This JUST came to me in an email.
"Dr. Wemp - I am blessed by your emails and ministry example. 
Although I've been saved for 27 years I've never led anyone to Christ,
and I want to change that. God Bless You!" WOW again. That is the way it
ought to work. It did in the N.T. times.

Follow the leader
"Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ" must be every pastor's
example. When someone gets saved and confesses Christ before the church,
tell who lead them to Christ. When have you heard that in a church? What
a testimony and challenge to hear it worked on visitation last week.
When have you heard someone tell how they led their neighbor to Christ
and they came this morning to confess Him as their Savior".WOW.
Pray for it to happen. Preach for it to happen. You are loved by God and
me, ABC Sumner. Pray for me, I am behind in my correspondence and
answering Emails. Keep writing, I LOVE hearing from you.

Enter the drawings for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the general
drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to 5 winners
in the pastors drawing.