Here is how to be an effective soul winner and really change people and the world.
A really good Christian lady was telling a speaker how she liked to hear this speaker and then turned to me and said, "I like to hear you too Dr. Wemp but I get convicted when I hear you speak.' Why? And here the real secret to effective preaching and Witnessing. I DO NOT try convict people, that is one of the prime ministries of the Holy Spirits. "He will convict of sin". I do reverently try to be sure I am "walking in the Spirit" so He can do the convicting and of course He does a perfect ministry of convicting. I give the Word of God to believers and the GOSPEL to the lost and depend on Him to do the convicting and HE DOES! The truth is we cannot convict lost people of their sins but they get convicted by the Holy Spirit and I simply give them the cure and so I see a lot of folks get saved for God does it and not me! Make sense.
Today at the invitation of the pastor of a fabulous church, the Meadows Baptist Church this morning I spoke to the church staff. . I pour this into them and told them to stop talking about sharing your faith with the lost. They are not saved by our FAITH. They are saved by the gospel, all four points in 1 Cor 15:1-4. how Christ died for our sins, paid our debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people. You can't go wrong and you will win a lot to Christ if you consistently give people the gospel. They caught it and we had a fabulous time. I am preaching there Sunday morning March 1. Hope you can visit there and come speak to me. Pat is still doing better. Keep praying.for her and Kurt and Celeste, she is better too. I love you dear people, all 10,000 of you, more than you can know. ABC Sumner
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