Thanks to one of you for getting me to do this. Why share, preach the gospel individually
1. What is the most important thing to ever happen to you? Why you got saved, of course. What is the most important thing you can do for someone else? Give them the gospel, get them saved!
2. Worth the whole world. Gain the world and lose your own soul. A soul is worth more than zillions of dollars. You must share the gospel with every creature you can
3. Give them a brand new start in life. A new creature! Don't you wish someone would share the gospel with your lost loved ones?
4. The Ethiopian reading the Bible was asked, "Do you understand what you are reading? "How can I except someone guide me?" How awful if you don't.
5. To change people and the world. Our next president got elected primarily promising to "change" America and its people
6. So their blood will not be on your hands> Awesome! Ez. 3:18,19. You MUST.
7. The eternal rewards you lay up doing it. Get your priorities straight.
8.The joy you get and more joy in heaven over one sinner getting saved.
9. "The harvest in plenteous ,the laborers are few.(are you one)
10 The glory and honor it brings to God!
11. Why call me Lord and not do what I tell you How would you feel if your children ignored your requests or commands.
PRAY for Celeste, I had to take her to the hospital 3 times, twice to emergency, last week. She is very weak with heart trouble. THANKS for praying.
Read 3 chapters of your Bible every day. Start with Proverbs. Notice the emphasis on "Wisdom" more valuable than anything else. Will keep you from a wicked man and strange woman. Start with a gospel filled tract. Do it and you will thank me in heaven. I LOVE YOU. ABC Sumner