Friday, January 8, 2010

Romance Before Marriage

An awesome responsibility
You must realize that I work at these emails. I pray and study and agonize over each one. These on marriage are so delicate that I am struggling to say what ought to be said and to say it Scripturally and sacredly. Pray for me.
Romance, P.M. pre-marriage.
Believe it or not, I was captain of a college basket ball team at one time. When playing basketball  you can dribble a basketball all you want until you go out of bounds. Once you dribble the ball out of bounds the game is stopped and you lose the ball. The same is true about romance. Sex must be kept in the bounds of a man and his wife or you break the rules that were set by God. 
Unmarried couples living together NEEDS someone to speak the truth in love and quickly. You and I don't make up the rules of right and wrong. The world is living as stated in the following scripture "every man did what was right in his own eyes" Judges 17:6. The advice columns are filled with tales of couples who live together without being married. The excuse is that the marriage license is only a piece of paper and we don't need it to live together. I am sorry but it is sin and it often leaves wounds and bruises that seldom are ever healed.
Romance OK until...
Holding hands, hugging and kissing, to most people in today's society  are normal and expected in romance. When sexual urges are aroused prior to marriage you must stop for God says if a man "lusts after a woman in his heart" Matt 5:28 he has committed adultery in his heart and that is sin. We must remember and understand that God is holy that God looks at the heart.
A.M. side of romance
After marriage, romance is to be enjoyed to the fullest! Read Proverbs 5:18-23. WOW. More to come on this subject.
Prayer:  O dear people it is so important that we all live pure and holy lives so we can glorify God and be filled with His blessing and joy. Father, bless Your dear people and help us to walk in the Sprit and not the flesh so we can live holy lives for Your glory and our good. In Jesus name

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Romance and Sex: delicately discussed

My tape on marriage
Love, Courtship, Romance and Sex is the title of my tape on marriage and the title for this series on marriage. Love leads to courtship, dating, and courtship leads to romance and romance leads to sex. Back in the 1960s a godly medical doctor with an MD degree and a Ph.D. degree, in marriage counseling heard my message on LCRS and said, "That is the best I have ever heard on marriage".
Three kinds of love
Agape love is God's love, unselfish love, Philos love is friendship love, you like someone and they like you, it is a mutual admiration society, Eros is physical love, mostly selfish love or desire, it is human love and includes sex.
Love: there are two vital facts to remember. "You LIKE someone when they make you happy and you LOVE someone when you make them happy."
Courtship, two facts to remember, women need and want ATTENTION and men need and want ADMIRATION.
Romance: there is a P.M. pre-marriage, before marriage side to romance and an A.M. after marriage side to romance, "Romance is the outward physical expressions of love apart from sex before marriage."
Two big time keys to happy marriages Two things to know about Romance: "Sight" and "Touch." Men are aroused to the marriage side of romance by SIGHT and women are aroused by TOUCH. God says to a man, "Not to look at a woman to lust after her" or you commit adultery in your heart Matt. 5:28. That is why women are told to "dress modestly" 1 Tim . 2:9. God says for a man not to "touch a woman" 1 Cor. 7:1. Men must keep their hands off of women other than their wives. More on this subject will come in future devotionals. Very important. Not understanding the above leads to a lot of problems in marriage and can even lead to divorce. Please share this with friends and family.
Stay with us for one of the biggest clues to miserable marriages and deadly divorce.
Prayer:  Father, bless those who are married and courting that are reading this and help us all to understand our companions, meet their needs, and glorify God in our marriages and courtships. In Jesus name. Because Hs loves you, died for your sins, paid the debt in full and rose again. And I love you, pray for YOU and preach to you, all because of Calvary, sumner