Friday, September 12, 2008

To him hat hath ( ) shall be given

To him that hath ( )shall be given------Lk 19:26

Whatever God gives you, he expects you to put it to use. This is a powerful principle. If you put it to use you will be given more "and he shall have more abundance." Matt 13:12.

Here He is talking about having seed and sowing it. You and I have the gospel, we are to put it to use, sow it into the hearts of lost people. If you do God will give you more. If I may, people ask me over and over, how do you see so many people saved when you witness? Simple, I keep on sowing the gospel every where I go and have since I got saved. It just makes sense that the only way we are going to change people and the world is to keep sowing seed. YOU MUST TOO.

In Matt 25:14 ff he is talking about money. You and I are stewards of the money God gives us. Put it to use for God and you will have more. There is no way in the world Celeste and I could have lived on the salaries we got in ministry after ministry, but we knew God gave us that ministry and He would provide and HE DID.

Oh dear people, put to use you money, your ministry, your means, everything and see God add more until you are overwhelmed at His good ness.

You are loved by God and me, ABC Sumner

Get some tracts and obey God to give the gospel to EVERY person you can.

I am an heir of God and joint-heir with Christ (Rom. 8:17; Tit. 3:7).

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prayer and soul-winning go hand in hand

"Nothing of eternal consequence is ever accomplished for God apart from prayer" I heard Jerry Falwell say that scores of times. He believed it and practiced it consistently.

I am amazed that every Christian and especially every preacher does not pray what God said about lost people. "I exhort that prayers be made for ALL MEN...that they might be saved." 1 Tim 3:1-4. I am a little tired of hearing people say, "O you can't bunch them up like that and pray for all 7 billion people at once." What do you mean, that is the word of God telling us to pray for ALL MEN to be saved. PLEASE, this is not to boast but I pray for all men EVERY DAY just like God told us to pray and have done so for many years. That is one reason I have seen so many people saved through witnessing. I ask for them and remember, "You have not because you ask not" Make sense? It does to me.

Your prayer list. You must have a daily prayer list or you will forget to pray for many people and many things. Pray for your loved ones by name, daily. I prayed for my father for 40 years. He got saved when he was 85. I think it was worth it. He died at 89 and I preached his funeral, gave the gospel and over thirty people prayed to receive the Lord Jesus at his funeral.

Pray for friends, neighbors, your doctors and nurses. I have had the joy of seeing several of my doctors and nurses receive the Lord Jesus. Have their names on your daily prayer list. It works. multitudes could attest to the power of prayer in winning souls to Christ.

"My hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved" Rom 10:1

Go to our web site and read some really encouraging and challenging articles others have written. "Don't leave home with out them" TRACTS. that is really good seed you are planting. We are going to be mazed to see the results in heaven! WOW ABC Sumner

"We shall reap if we faint not" 

Monday, September 8, 2008

Some seed brought forth 100 fold, some 60, some 30. The answer to many questions

Remember all the seed were good.

Then, the seed that fell into good ground brought forth differently. This helped beyond imagination when I caught it.

Over the years as a pastor I thought everyone should and would just fall in love with Jesus and produce so much fruit it would stagger all.

It did not happen. Then I saw so many with so much potential produce a measly 30 fold. They sat under the same preaching and teaching but produced so little. I blamed myself until it hurt. Then I got hold of this verse and it said to me, no matter what a person's potential some will never produce but 30 fold, some only 60 fold and some that you never dreamed would, produced 100 fold. The ANSWER, you cannot take any credit for the 100 fold nor take any blame for the 30 fold.

The key! You and I must stay in love with Jesus, pour our hearts out to help motivate all we can so more will produce more and more for the glory of the Lord Jesus.

Now this really helps. "Don't cast your pearls before swine." That is not to call people bad names. It is simply saying to pour yourself into those who will hear and heed and produce more and more. There are too many whose theme song is, "I shall not be, I shall not be moved." I learned to pour myself into those who will respond and produce more. If I saw the slightest spark in anyone I do all I can to fan the flame and see more results. I could tell story after story when I saw this happen and all benefited. Make sense? Don't sweat the little producers but pour yourself into those producing and want to produce more. It pays big dividends.

"Exhort (encourage) one another daily" Heb 13:7.

I have sent out at least 10 packs of tracts to you people this month. One of you ordered 200 tracts. You do the same! Call 1-977-972-2871 ask for sales and start producing 100 fold.

"You are and have been the most influential, encouraging person, that has left an imprint on my life since the days your were at Liberty University" This came to me today. I am a nobody. I never graduated with honors of any kind BUT I pray, and weep and sob for God to let me see the Hand of God upon me and impact people's lives for eternity. He does and I weep the more for it. I am positive God wants to do the same to and through you. Weep and pray for His Hand to be upon you.