To him that hath ( )shall be given------Lk 19:26
Whatever God gives you, he expects you to put it to use. This is a powerful principle. If you put it to use you will be given more "and he shall have more abundance." Matt 13:12.
Here He is talking about having seed and sowing it. You and I have the gospel, we are to put it to use, sow it into the hearts of lost people. If you do God will give you more. If I may, people ask me over and over, how do you see so many people saved when you witness? Simple, I keep on sowing the gospel every where I go and have since I got saved. It just makes sense that the only way we are going to change people and the world is to keep sowing seed. YOU MUST TOO.
In Matt 25:14 ff he is talking about money. You and I are stewards of the money God gives us. Put it to use for God and you will have more. There is no way in the world Celeste and I could have lived on the salaries we got in ministry after ministry, but we knew God gave us that ministry and He would provide and HE DID.
Oh dear people, put to use you money, your ministry, your means, everything and see God add more until you are overwhelmed at His good ness.
You are loved by God and me, ABC Sumner
Get some tracts and obey God to give the gospel to EVERY person you can.
I am an heir of God and joint-heir with Christ (Rom. 8:17; Tit. 3:7).
Friday, September 12, 2008
To him hat hath ( ) shall be given
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Friday, September 12, 2008