God Uses Tracts, Do You? continued, 2nd part
God Uses Tracts, Do You? Is the title of a tract I wrote 50 years ago.
It has been reproduced, copied, modified and published in 10 Christian
publications. Here is the second half. Give them out:
6. PRACTICALLY. Don't expect God to stop you suddenly on the street
and say, "Here, give this man a tract" or "Wait, don't give him one."
Would you even have a tract with you if He did? God expects us to be
practical and buy up our opportunities. We don't wait for the Spirit
to move us before we pray or read our Bible. Neither should we wait
for a feeling to give out tracts.
Put tracts in letters, Christmas cards, and bills. Give them to
clerks, waitresses, salesmen; and all who come to your door. Leave
them in places where people will likely see them and pick them up. Go
in teams for mass distribution to bus and train stations, airports,
shopping centers, and sporting arenas. Send teams from the church,
door to door, until you reach every home.
Doctors have put them in statements, businessmen in letters, and store
owners in packages. Tract racks maybe profitably placed in stores,
stations, hospitals, etc. Be sure the tracts are attractive and
printed on good paper. Don't cheapen your witness. Watch and pray for
some new way to distribute tracts.
7. PERSONALLY. One of the unique aspects of tracts is that anyone can
use them, young or old, educated or uneducated, rich or poor. People
who would not come to your church will read a tract in privacy. Be
sure it contains the gospel -- the death, burial and resurrection of
Christ for our sins!
8. PROSPECTIVELY. One of the greatest values of tract is their ease in
opening the door to witness. Use them as a tool to witness but never
as an excuse for not witnessing. After a person has read the tract try
to engage him in conversation, and witness further to him.
9. PRESENTLY. Don't delay; start today. Remember you can never be led
to give out a tract if you have none with you. Again, be like Peter,
"I will do as you say" Lk 5:5. Try to get the gospel to EVERY person
without being pushy or offensive.
10. PURPOSEFULLY. Stamp your address on the back of the tract for a follow-up.
Let's preach the gospel to every creature we meet through the use of tracts.
Father, bless Your children and may they use this tool to get the
gospel to people they could not otherwise reach. In Jesus name, all
because of Calvary, Sumner