Friday, March 13, 2009

YOU could have led the nurse to Christ

Celeste had a procedure on her colon today. In the recovery room, just before we were to check out, I handed the nurse "You Ticket to Heaven". With a big smile on her face she said, :Oh I want that." Knowing we only had a few more minutes before leaving, I said, "Mona, God loves you and He proved it when He let His Son, the Lord Jesus suffer and die for your sins. He was buried, then he rose from the dead and was seen alive by hundreds of people. The whole issue is did He pay for your sins too." It was beautiful the way her eyes showed it and she said, "Why, yes He did." "Will you trust God that He paid for your sins too and receive Him right now as your Savior." With a serious but beautiful smile on her face she said. "Yes I will". Well Glory, she prayed out loud with me to receive the Lord Jesus and looked up with tears of joy in her eyes and God gave her assurance she was saved.


The harvest is plenteous, "God said so". Will you ovey Him, give good gospel tracts to "every creature" you possibly can and just look for the ones God has ready. YOU could have led her to Christ, she was so ready. WE MUST.

So many of you have been with me for years. PLEASE remember one thing. I have done all I can to get you give every person you can a chance to go to heaven. You surely don't want their blood on your hands and you MUST want the joy and crown in heaven for leading someone to Christ so you can lay it at Jesus feet one day.Rev 4:10.


The results of the Dr.s procedure showed there was nothing life threatening and it is treatable and we have been assured she will get her strength back. PRAISE THE LORD. I LOVE YOU DEAR PEOPLE AND LONG FOR YOU TO HAVE LIFE MORE ABUDNANTLY ALL TO HIS GLORY. ABC Sumner 1 Jn 3:2.


Go to Call 1-877-872-2871 or write Good News Pub. 1300 Crescent St. Wheaton, Ill. 60187 USA to get "Your Ticket to Heaven" tracts. Invest in eternity. All the money goes to missions. Jesus is coming any minute now. PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD" Amos 4:12.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Five of the greatest statement in the Bible

1. Saul said, "Lord what wilt thou have me to do" Acts 9:6. He meant it and he did it.
Young people ought to ask it about their companion and their career. You must not miss God's will and way for your life. He has a plan for your career and He has a companion for you life. It will be the most joyous if you have His choice for a wife and life career.
Every adult is designed by God for "life more abundantly". It must be "not my will but thine be done" DAILY.
2. After fishing all night and catching nothing Jesus said to Peter, "Launch out and let down you nets for a catch." Peter made this great statement. "At thy word I will" and he caught the greatest catch of his life. We ALL ought to obey God like that. "The real tragedy of life is not what we suffer but what we miss."
3. Isaiah saw a wicked world dying and going to hell and God asked, "Who will go for me". Isaiah made that fabulous statement which each of us would be filled with joy and purpose if we made it, Isaiah said, 'Here am I send me". Isa 6:8.
4. When Paul was on the ship headed to Rome and the great storm came up and the ship was wrecked and all thought they were going to perish, but Paul had been assured by God they would make it, he said, "Be of good cheer for I believe God that it shall be even as it was told me" Acts 27:25. Oh, that we all "believed God" like that. Our lives would be so full and so rich.
5. The greatest statement of all was when Jesus was on the cross suffering and dying for our sins, He cried out, "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me" and the whole answer is that He had our sins laid on Him and He suffered the eternal punishment for MY sins and YOUR sins and the sins of the whole world. I have found as I meditate on this every morning in my quiet time in prayer with the Lord it has a wonderful impact on my daily life. WHAT A WONDERFUL SAVIOUR.
PLEASE send me your suggestion for one of the greatest statements in the Bible. ABC Sumner
While men slept the enemy sowed tares and filled the field with tares and we are reaping the terrible results of our failures to preach the gospel to EVERY person. "When a ministry ceases to be evangelistic it soon ceases to be evangelical."

Monday, March 9, 2009

This may be the best article I ever wrote. Good sermon for preachers

Do you remember?

"That thou mayest remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt (out of bondage cf to the day of our salvation) all the days of thy life",Deut 16:3.

God says "don't you forget the DAY you got saved." It is by far the greatest day of your life. From that day you are headed for heaven instead of hell. My day was Mar 28, 1940. I usually celebrate that day more than my physical birthday. Make sense?

":Thou shalt remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee these years to humble thee and to prove thee, to know what was in thy heart, whether thou wouldest keep his commandments or not, He humbled thee and suffered thee to hunger... Be ware that thou forget not the Lord thy God in not keeping His ...word" Deut 8:2 ff. Don't you forget all the wonderful things He has done for you.

"Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth" Ecc 12:1. Too many have sown and are sowing their wild oats and reaping an awful harvest. Teach your children this great admonition.

"Remember the word that I said unto you" Jn 15:20 in sermon after sermon. What have you done about all those things He spoke to your heart about time after time. Don't you forget them. Obey them for the Lord God of heaven spoke to your heart about them.

Be like Peter, "At thy word I will" Lk 5:5. You will be much better off here and hereafter. If not.

"Remember therefore from whence thou are fallen and repent and do the first works" reading your Bible, attending church regularly, praying without ceasing, giving generously and gratefully, doing all you could to get your friends and family saved too. You will be glad you did, here and hearafter1 Make sense?

Go to Call 1-877-872-2871 or write Good News Pub. 1300 Crescent St. Wheaton, Ill. 60187 USA to get "Your Ticket to Heaven'" tracts. Invest in eternity. All the money goes to missions. Jesus is coming any minute now. PREPARE TO MEET THY GOD" Amos 4:12.