Sounds like this is to pray for the elections! Why? "That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life...' 1 Tim. 2:1-2. Don't we all want that? THEN PRAY AND PRAY AND PRAY SOME MORE
Pray for God to forgive us of our sins. 2 Chron. 7:14. If the 50 million born again Christians each led just ONE soul to Christ, we would have a very difference world the harvest in plenteous, but the LABORERS ARE FEW, VERY FEW, less than 5 % ever lead a soul to Christ. Question? How many people did you personally lead to Christ? How many did you share the gospel with so they had a chance to be saved? "To him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is SIN." Sumner, are you trying to lay a guilt on us? YES, if you did not even try to lead a soul to Christ. All for your eternal good and God's glory. Make sense?
Pay your dues, go vote tomorrow. You must vote for those who have Christian values. Let us all humble ourselves before the Lord, lets cry out for His mercies and His directions.
Halloween, I am sure I gave the gospel to more lost people than any church in America had in church this morning. That is not to boast but to point out the opportunity we each had Friday night. I hope you did too. Please believe me, I LOVE YOU, ABC Friday night a 16 year old girl said, Thanks for caring for me" as I gave her, "Your Ticket to Heaven." Sumner
"Blessed in the nation whose God is the Lord" PS 33:12. May it be so Wed in the USA