Satan, the wicked one brings tragedies!
"There was a man whose name was Job; and Job was blameless, upright, God fearing, and turning away from evil" Job 1:1. He was called "the greatest of all the men of the East." You just couldn't find a better man.
Then a messenger came to Job saying that all of his farm hands had been killed by the Sabeans. "And while he was still speaking" another messenger arrived saying "the fire of God fell and burned up all his sheep" again a messenger came saying, the Chaldeans stole all his camels and killed all his shepherds and "while he was still speaking" another messenger came and told how his seven sons and three daughters were all killed by "a great wind." And you think you're having a bad day! 1:12-19
Job was then "smitten with sore boils." By now his wife was blaming God and said, "Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die " 2:9. "Through all this Job did not sin nor did he blame God " 1:22. Here is the clincher. Job did not have a clue as to why all of this was happening to him. Have you been there? I have.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places " Eph. 6:12. Satan and spiritual wickedness is openly at war with Christ and Christians and you had better believe it.
If you are truly seeking God and following His ways you will be targeted by Satan and all of his henchmen just as was Job. BUT, great will be your reward perhaps, here and hereafter, as was Job 42:10.
Churchill so valiantly said, "Never, never, never quit." You and I have read the last chapter of the Book and WE WIN. For sure, "It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus, life's trials will seem so small when we see Christ. One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrow will be erased, so bravely run the race, til we see Christ."
Prayer: Father, bless Your dear child going through dark waters right now, even as they read this. Give them Your grace and wisdom to honor You and to love You through it all.
Quote: "The devil has two master tricks. One is to get us discouraged....the other is to make us doubt..." - G. E. M.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Why Bad Things Happen to Good People #1
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Our God Invented it all
President Ronald Reagan was once challenged by a college student who said it was impossible for Reagan's generation to understand his."You grew up in a different world," the student said. "Today we have television, computers, jet planes, space travel, nuclear energy..."Taking advantage of a pause in the student's litany, Reagan said. "You are right. We didn't have those things when we were young, We invented them."
Scientists say
Some scientists scoff at and ridicule Christians saying, "You don't have all the facts nor understand space, the planetary and solar systems and nuclear energy..."
We need to interrupt and say, "No, we don't know all of that but our God invented it." "In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth." Gen. 1:1.
Some say, "But you take it all by blind faith."
A study of creation and evolution.
In 1956, I made a detailed and thorough study of creation and evolution. Do you know what I found? There were over 20 major theories of creation and evolution. One said, "There was a microscopic glob of transparent jelly floating on the water and it evolved into life and finally man." I wanted to ask, "Where did the glob of jelly come from?" Where did the water it was floating on come from?" "Where did the energy and dust come from that caused the "big bang?" It takes more "blind faith" to believe in the theories of creation and evolution than to believe an intelligent and very wise Person, God, created the world and man with all of his intricate parts. Doesn't that make sense?
Man on the moon
When man went to the moon, he had many ideas and beliefs about the moon. Later I read an article by a scientist, wish I still had it, in which he named a number of things they believed, "from their scientific studies about the moon" and expected to find true. He than told of five major things, they found were not true but some the very exact opposite! Remember they have many "theories" with absolute no proof which are taught as facts in our schools.
O dear people, believe God. Believe the Bible. It makes a lot more sense than all the theories of man. He loves you and His Son suffered and dies for your sins, rose again and wants to be the Savior of every person. Is He yours? Receive Him now. All because of Calvary, sumner
Prayer: Father, help your children to believe You and not finite man with a lot of "blind faith" in unproven ideas and theories. In Jesus name.
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
You Can Be Blessed
The blessed person
"Blessed is the man" Ps. 1:1. Don't just desire, hope, pray for a blessing, or wait for a blessing but delight in and do what brings inexplicable blessings.
Delight in the Word of God
"His delight is in the law of the Lord" Ps. 1:2. He reads the Bible! Now, seriously, how much do you read the Word of the Living God every day? We ought to delight in it not read it out of duty.
Desire the delicious milk of the Word "like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation," 1 Peter 2:2. O dear people, cry out for the Word of God like a new born baby cries out for the milk of it's mother. That is the natural and normal thing to do.
Discover God's precious word
"Your words were found and I ate them, And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; "Jer. 15:16. That joy and rejoicing is worth a billion times more than all the pleasures of the world. Pick up that Bible. Discover that joy again like you had when you were first saved.
Meditate on the Word
"In His law he meditates day and night" Ps. 1:2. What are you thinking about all day long? Watch TV by the hour and I guarantee you, that you won't do any meditating, (concentrated thinking) about God and the Word of God. Memorize Scripture so you can meditate on it as you work, wash dishes, drive, walk and play. Celeste and I memorized hundreds of verses through the Navigators program. What eternal dividends this has brought to our lives.
Bear fruit and be prosperous
" Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. " Ps. 1:3. Do this and you will succeed. O dear people, I want this for your so badly I could scream. THIS IS LIVING. This is what life is all about. This is "life more abundantly" John 10:10. You chose what you want to do.
Choose life
"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live" Deut. 30:19
Prayer: Father, bless your dear children that they may choose to delight in Your word and meditate in it so they may rejoice and prosper. In Jesus name.
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Sunday, August 09, 2009