Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Bright side to the Tribulation

"And I saw another angel ... saying, do not harm the earth...til we have sealed the bondservants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them who were sealed one hundred and forty-four thousand from every tribe of the sons of Israel" Rev. 7:2-4.
The Spirit of God is gone but the servants of God are these 144,000 Jews.   Many Bible scholars believe that the 144,000 will be Jewish Evangelists, like the Apostle Paul, during the tribulation. He said he was one "born out of due time" 1 Cor. 15:8. Now think about this. The Jews are scattered all over the world. Imagine 144,000 Apostle Pauls preaching all over the world, with the power of God upon them like the Apostle. You talk about revival.

A great multitude saved
"After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm branches were in their hands... These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.  " Rev. 7:9-14.
Is anyone going to be saved during the tribulation? Yes, a great multitude from every tribe and tongue, under the powerful preaching of these converted Jews who are scattered all over the world and already know the languages.

Then shall the end come
The context is critical here. "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come" Matt, 24:14. This whole chapter is Jesus' answer as to "when shall the end of the world (age) come" vs 3. Jesus is not talking about the rapture but the return to the earth. The whole context is clear about that. More on this later. Too often today people apply it to the rapture and then declare Jesus cannot come until the great commission is fulfilled. NO. If that were so then the coming of the Lord Jesus is not imminent, meaning he could not have come at any time or now! The honest truth is we are a long ways from fulfilling the great commission. We ought to be passionate about trying to fulfill it and get the gospel to every creature. But this passage in Matt. 24 tells us it will be fulfilled during the tribulation. Awesome truth but it all fits. Reread this lesson until it becomes clear to you.  Stay with us and see how it all fits.

O dear people. You passion and mine ought to be to get the gospel to that lost person we meet and have a few minuets with now. It may be the last member of the Body of Christ before the rapture. Wouldn't that be phenomenal if your had the privilege of winning the last person to Christ in this age? All because of Calvary, sumner

Prayer:  Father, You are not willing that any should perish. Help us to realize that the person you put is with may be the last one to be saved and we must get the gospel to them and give them a chance to go to heaven even as someone gave us the gospel one day. In Jesus name.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Die to Self

Mentoring: The pastor and people God uses

"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds" John 12:24.

Farm rule no. 1
I know nothing about farming except one thing and that is, If you want to pick fruit you have to plant seed. You can have the most fertile field, the richest soul, the best equipment and you can pray over it all day but you won't get a thing but weeds until you plant seeds.

One little seed
That one little seed isn't going to do much until it falls into the ground and dies. Every farmer knows that. BUT, if it dies it will bring forth much fruit.

Ready to die?
O dear people, that is just as true of people and preachers. We, as seed, must fall into the ground and die or we produce nothing. BUT if we are dead to self and sin we will bring forth much fruit.

Dead or alive
Over the years I have read dozens of biographies of greatly used men and women of God. It seems almost every one of them came to a moment of dying to self and seeing their ministry transformed. Satan and society can be a terrible hindrance to our ministry but self is probably the biggest battle most of us have.

Who gets the credit?
It is amazing and wonderful what God can do to and through someone who does not care who gets the credit and glory for what happens. God says, " I not give my glory to another" Isa. 42:8. If people and pastor are dead to self, they are totally unmoved or untouched by praise of people or the lack thereof.

Let's forget about ourselves
You can be sure this is the way to be used of God. Fall into the ground and die to self. There is a great line in a song, "Let's forget about ourself and magnify the Lord and worship Him." That will get big time results.

Others, that is who we should be concerned about. Multitudes are saying, "No man cared for my soul" Ps. 124:4. Die and live. Die and bear much fruit. Die and bring glory to God. Die and forget about yourself. Die and see others live.

Prayer:  Father, bless your dear pastors and people. Let us die to self so we can bear much fruit for Your glory. In Jesus name

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn" Rom. 12:15.