Friday, February 13, 2009

Why Christians have not changed the world!


This has come to a head in the past month and I must reason with you about it.

1. We are not giving the one thing that will change people and the whole world but we think we are. Recently I heard a couple of good Christians telling how they were witnessing to some unsaved and they told the person what all the Lord meant to them and how much they loved Him and how He changed their lives. Not once did they tell him how tro be saved.

2. Severasl times recently I heard Christians tell how they gave lost people thegospel and quoted over and over John 3:16. Excuse me but John 3:16 does not contaiin one word of the gospel the gospel which alone is "the power of God unto salvation." Rom 1:16. That lost person does not have a clue what "God gave His only begotten son" means. Not once did they tall how the Lord Jesus suffered and died for our sins, was buried, tose again and was seen by hundreds.

3. I have heard this hundreds of times as I heard several times recently on TV how Christ died on the cross. Those two theves also died on a cross but that is not the gospel. What those thieves did had nothing to do with saving anyone. the gospel is Christ died for our sins. Sin is the problem. The gospel is Christ died for those sins, paid the debt in full.

4. Then so often preachers and people say "Christ died for us".Those dear military people are dying for us but NOT FOR OUR SINS and that is the good new, the GOSPEL that will save and change a person into a new creature.

The bottom line is we must tell the plain pure gospel which is "the power of God unto salvation." Rom 1:16. The Biblical pure gospel is "How Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again and was seen of hundreds." 1 Cor 15:1-5. If you add to it or take away you are in serious danger of the anathima of God. You must read Gal 1:6-10.

Hundreds have asked me how I see so many saved. Simple, Iwtill tell you Monday. You don't want to miss Monday's Email that will tell you how you can see many get savedI I LOVE YOU. ABC Sumner 1 Jn 3:2. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

God gives EVERY person a chance to go to heaven

God gives every persona a chance to get saved

Hell was not intended for man but the devil and his angels. Matt. 25:41.

God does not "send" people to hell- they chose hell. John 3:19.

God gives every person a chance to know God and a chance to be saved if they want it.

"If I be lifted up (lifted up on the cross and die for man's sins), He did that) from the earth, will draw ALL MEN unto me." Every lost person, every "heathen" has been and all will be in the future, DRAWN by God to Himself. In every man is a God given vacuum that can only be filled by God.

He draws by creation. Romans 1:18 ff. That which may be known by the heathen is

1. manifest in them.

2. God hath shewed it unto them

3. they are clearly seen

4. so that they are without excuse.

God draws by conscience, Romans 2:11-15 especially Vs 15. John 8:9

God draws (convicts) by the commandments Romans 3 the law is our school master to bring us to Christ Gal 3:24.

Christ lighteth EVERY man John 1:9, He gives them a chance through one of the above means.

John 7:17, if a man responds to what ever "light" he has, he shall know the teaching (doctrine) from God.

It isn't that man has no chance, it is that he "will not come to me that he might have life." John 5:40.

God is longsuffering, God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance 2 Peter 3:9.

John 5:44-47 and Luke 16:27-31 are strong clinchers for the heathen and the Jew.

"If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rose from the dead."

Of the heathen it can be said, "If they believe not and receive not the truth they are told from creation, neither would they believe if they heard the gospel.

NEVER has a missionary found ONE person who was already saved before they heard the gospel. Many missionaries have gone to some who have never heard the gospel and found they had concluded from creation or conscience that their was a true God and were wanting to know Him and God sent a missionary to them to give them the gospel. I love you dearly is why I write what I do. ABC Sumner

PLEASE pray for Pat. She has been quite ill for several months. She and her husband are Godly missionaries. Write me a note and say, I PRAYED FOR PAT JUST NOW. Wouldn't you love to hear 10,000 people prayed for you if you were very ill?

Go to read all new articles and rejoice. Call 1-877-872-2871 or write Good News Pub. 1300 Crescent St. Wheaton, Ill. 60187 USA to get "Your Ticket to Heaven'" tracts. Invest in eternity. Jesus is coming any minute now.