Access to the Father is another important ministry of the Holy Spirit to believers. Paul wrote, "For through Him (Jesus) we have access by one Spirit unto the Father" (Eph. 2:18). "God is holy" (1 Pet. 1:16). He is "the mighty God" (Isa. 9:7). He is "the eternal God" (Deut. 33:27). We are to "fear God" (1 Pet. 2:17). It is no wonder that we sometimes feel so unworthy to come to God for "help in time of need" (Heb. 4:16).
Oh, but dear people, the Holy Spirit "helps our infirmities" (Rom. 8:26) and gives us liberty to have access unto the Father. This is a reality as we walk in the Spirit. So much of the Christian life depends on us relying on the Holy Spirit to live the way we should.
If you are struggling in your prayer life, you are probably not fully walking in the Spirit. This really makes a difference in your prayers. We have "access by the Holy Spirit to the Father." That is not just religious talk; it's the essential ingredient to coming to God and seeing powerful answers to our prayers.
The big hindrance in most Christians' lives is unconfessed and unforsaken SIN. You be the judge! David wrote, "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me" (Ps. 66:18). We read in 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Oh, dear people, live "the normal Christian life" by confessing those sins and asking "according to the will of God" for the Holy Spirit to take control of your life DAILY, if not HOURLY. When you do this, you will have access to the throne of grace and see answers to your prayers and have "life more abundantly" (John 10:10).
Prayer: Father, bless Your children reading this. May they learn to walk in your Spirit and depend on You. May they gain that abundant "access by the Spirit" to Your throne of grace. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Quote for the Day: "I'm convinced that the man who has learned to meditate upon the Lord will be able to run on his feet and walk in his spirit. Although he may be hurried by his vocation, that's not the issue. The issue is how fast his spirit is going. To slow it down takes a period of time." —Charles Stanley