(1) We "need one another" 1 Cor 12:18-22. (2) We must "love one another" Jn 13:34, 35. (3) We must "forgive one another" Eph 4:32. (4) We need to "pray for one another" James 5:16. (5) "Exhort one another daily" Heb. 3:13. (6) "teaching and admonishing one another" Col. 3:16. (7) provoke one another unto love and good works" Heb. 10:24.(8) "By love serve one another" Gal. 5:13. "Be kind and compassionate to one another" Eph. 4:32.
Be kind
"Kindness" in the Greek means just what we mean in English, "good, pleasant, gracious." "Love is kind" 1 Cor. 13:4. "The fruit of the Spirit is gentleness" kind, the same word Gal. 5:22. It certainly is not the "works of the flesh" Gal 5:19. The flesh is selfish, angry, and unkind. I have heard people say, "That is just not my nature to be kind." They hit the nail on the head. It is no one's natural nature.
Christians must be different
We have a new nature 2 Peter 1:4, a new nationality, we are in the kingdom of God, His children and we must act like it. It is essential to "be filled with the Spirit" Eph 5:18 and "walk in the Spirit" Gal. 5:16 so we do not fulfill the desires of the flesh.
Set goals
"If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time." Make it a goal to be kind to people. God says, "Put on kindness" Col. 3:12. Work at it. We must deliberately do it. Oh, my, what fun it is to be kind to someone on purpose. How warm and wonderful when someone is kind to us. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Make sense? God is kind, see Luke 6:35 and Titus 3:4.
Prayer: Father, You are so good, so kind to us. May we learn to be kind one to another like You are to us. In Jesus name.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Another, "one another,"be ye kind to one another"
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Friday, February 05, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Be Balanced, Brother, Be Balanced
Most preachers know the 5 B's of preaching, We don't all live by them, they are "Be Brief, Brother, Be Brief." Oh, that we were.
The 5 B's of the Christians life are
"Be Balanced, Brother, Be Balanced."
In 2010, may I urge you to be balanced. 1. The Word of God MUST be read daily. 2. Worship God all the time. 3. Witness to "every" creature like we are commanded and we would change the whole world. 4. Pray without ceasing. "You have not because You ask not." Make a New Years resolution to pray what Jesus taught the disciples to pray and what the Bible tells us to pray for. We pray for Joe's toe, Jack's back and Jane's pains and DON'T pray what God told us to pray.
For an Effective Prayer Life, Have a Prayer List
Why? Because we pray for something a week or two and then drop it, forget it, give up or just quit when the parables on prayer in Lk 11 and 18 teach us to "KEEP ON ASKING." Also, too often we do not pray for the very things God tells us to pray for and we miss a great blessing, see 26-32. Look at Jabez's prayer. Awesome, for God is still granting request to "ordinary" people like Jabez. Here are some prayer lists that will make praying so fruitful and make you faithful in prayer. Print these out and put on a 3 x 5 card. I use these every day and it has transformed my prayer life and my life in general.
Preparation for Prayer -Ps 100:4
(Please read all verses at least once) Think what you are praying, visualize! (1.) Thankful-Saved,De16:3-BlessingsLk17:17; (2.) Praise-His attributes, character-Ps 50:23; (3.) Faithful-judge self-confess sin 1 Jn 1:9,Ps 51The Prayer of Jehovah 1Tim 2:1-4; (4.) Pray-"first of all": vs 1; Lk 5:5 say, "I will"; (5.) All men"-6 billion-2-B saved-v4"Thy will "; (6.) All kings-to be saved-v4"Thy will be done"; (7.) All in authority-Gov. etc-saved-Thy will; (8.) Send forth laborers, Mt 9:37;Acts13:2f; (9.) Peace o Jer-Ps 122, Is-saved, Ro 10:1; (10.) Enemies-God bless-do good Mt 5:44
The Prayer of Jesus Lk.11;Mat.6:9-15; (11.) The Lord's prayer list; (12.) "Say": Hallowed be Thy name Ex 20:7; (13.) Thy kingdom come-U come,Rev 22:20; (14.) Thy will be done on earth-as in heaven; (15.) Give us this day our daily bread-needs; (16.) Forgive us our sins as we forgive 11:4; (17.) Lead us not into temptation 11:4; (18.) Deliver us from evil (the evil one)11:4; (19.) Thine is the kingdom-Mt16:15 Lk 6:46; (20.) Thine is the power-not mine Zech 4:6; (21.) Thine is the glory-not mine Isa 42:8
The Prayer for Just You; (22.) Lovest thou Me? Jn21:15,Say:I love You
Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit; (23.) Ask for H.S. to fill-control you,1 Jn 5:14f; (24.) Wisdom 1 Ki 3:7-9 Jas 1:5 Prov 3:13ff; (25.) What do You want me to do? Acts 9:6; (26.) Ask for lost souls-Jas 4:2;Acts 16:14; (27.) Give me boldness-Acts 4:29-31;2Tim1:7; (28.) Heal me-Asa sought not God 2Ch16:12
The Prayer of Jabez' 1 Chron 4:10; (29.) Bless me indeed cf Jacob Gen 32:26; (30.) Enlarge my borders,ministry,impact; (31.) Let Your hand be upon me Ezra 7 & 8
7:6 "requests" 7:9 Came to Jerusalem
7:28 ...strengthened 8:18 Brought help
8:31 Delivered "by the hand of God"; 32.) Keep me from evil-the evil one Luke 11:4
Jabez was a nobody and
God granted him his requests!
Ask, He is still doing it today! James 4:2
The Prayer for "Joe" & Others Col 1:9-11; 33.) Put a hunger within them Ps 42:1,2; 34.) Put a hedge around them Job 1:10; 35.) Put Your hand upon them Ezra 7 & 8; 36.) List family,children,loved ones,friends; 37.) Pastor,church,ministries,missionaries; 38.) Special requests:Matt 6:10,Eph.6:18
Upgrade lists regularly on 3x5 cards
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Monday, February 01, 2010