From one of you
"You are a precious mentor for all of us, Sumner. I love the courage you have, to hit head on the issues of loving each other. Without shame, without excuse, without whispering - we can talk about these things in the Body of Christ."
Romance leads to sex
Sex is that intimacy in the home that God says, "May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be captivated by her love" Pro. 5:18-19. Did YOU get that? God means for His children to enjoy this wonderful physical expression of love between a husband and wife.
Sex and Security
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule but here is a very big rule of life, men have a strong urge, desire, and need for sex, usually much more so than women. Women have a strong urge, desire, need for security. Think of this carefully. There are female prostitutes by the millions. Why? Men have this hugh urge and often will do anything to satisfy that urge. Studies have shown that even clergymen will go to prostitutes. That blows my mind. Most of the time, men want this intimacy several times a week. Many women, if not most, would be satisfied being intimate once a month. I read the advice columns in the news papers daily and you hear this over and over.
Women and security
Women need security. They get their security from their husbands by his attention to them in hundreds of ways. Women give sex for security and men give security for sex. There is more truth to this statement than can be explained. Learn it and practice your part and it will transform the physical side of your marriage. Women are freed and released to give themselves to their husbands when he shows his attention to her and showers her with his attention. Women who understand his strong urge and need and who understand Prov. 5: 19, "may you ever be captivated by her love" and that God meant for it to be enjoyed, can be fulfilled and enjoy this intimacy much more.
Most men are more than glad to obey this admonition. Too often, women and Christian women especially, do not have a healthy attitude toward intimacy. It could be a lack of knowledge of this Biblical truth, that sex is good and to be enjoyed between a husband and wife. The world has perverted this intimacy in so many ways and it effects all of us. Sometimes it is the husbands fault for he does not "agape" love her, give her the attention she needs and does not prepare her by his tender touching, beginning with that goodby kiss in the morning and continuing to show his love through the day. Selah, "Think on this."
One thing I heard somewhere was the word "intimacy" and how it relates to God and to our spouse.
That is how God wants us to KNOW Him and for a husband and wife to KNOW each other...."into me see."
O dear people, be that spouse that your spouse needs to beautify and magnify your marriage to the highest level. all because of Calvary, sumner
Prayer: Father, bless this dear couple and make their marriage the best they have every known. In Jesus name.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Romance Leads to Sex
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Be the Lover God intended you to be
Husbands, please read this. I know your wife will. Be a man and read and apply this to yourself.
How to love your spouse
"Walk in the Spirit" Gal 5:16 so you can be filled with the "fruit of the Spirit," LOVE and love your spouse as God would have you love each other. Oh what JOY this brings to both of you when you live like God intended you to live. Anger, jealousy, bitterness, are things that make you miserable and are "the works of the flesh" Gal 5:19. Now live like you ought to and love each other.
Go back to dating, courting.
That is what keeps the spice, the glow, the glitter, the honey of the honeymoon in your marriage. That is what is important in life. Like you did to court her and convince her want to marry you now do the same things to help her enjoy being married to you. Just as you fixed yourself up to look at pretty as you could to win him, keep it up. You are competing with a world of women who have no morals and couldn't care less about you and will do all they can to attract your husbands attention by the way they dress and act.
O you romantic man and woman
Understand God tells how romantic we should be in the home Pro. 5. Give yourselves to each other so that your physical love life will be the outcome of your romantic love life. Often times we cut short the romantic love life, the foreplay if you please, therefore dampening what ought to be the highest physical expression of love in the home. Keep holding hands, hugging, and kissing. These are great physical exercises that keep you fit and give you a healthy happy marriage.
"May you ever be captivated by her love" (that is talking about sex!) Pro. 5:19. The Bible instructs us to do this.
Father, bless this couple. Help them to humble themselves and admit if they have not been the husband or wife they should be. Feel this marriage with all the joy and fun they thought it was going to be. In Jesus name.
God loves you, I love you, now love each other for Jesus and your sake. all because of Calvary, sumner
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Husbands will love this one
"Let her breasts satisfy you at all times" 1 Chron. 12:32. Be loving. Be gentle. Be tender. Be kind. Remember she is the "weaker vessel." Women are aroused and prepared for that wonderful physical expression of love. Dear wife, let him kiss you, let him touch you, let him caress you, realize it is right, it is in the Bible, and good to prepare you both to enjoy this wonderful physical expression of love.
Wives need to be touched
That tender touch, that gentle love pat, and loving kind words, all through the day, says, I am aware of you, I am thinking about you, I love you. That gives your wife a sense of security, a feeling of safety. It helps her to be able to freely give herself to you.
"I wasn't built that way"
How many times do you hear men say that or hear about men saying that. Neither was I. Neither is any other man. But remember, neither was your wife "built that way" to give herself to you physically without feeling emotionally attached. This is a win, win situation. You learn speak to her in a way she can understand and she will respond and speak to you in a way you understand. Women are responders. This is a truth that we do not have time to develop. Kind sir, you are the leader, you are the head of your home and must lead the way by doing what you ought to do for your wife.
"What do you want me to do"
What a great question to ask each other. It makes sense for married couples to talk freely about what each can do to the other to make them feel loved. Also discuss with one another how best to arouse each other to this highest physical expression of love. Someone said, "There are no frigid women just clumsy husbands." To me that isn't exactly true. I think most wives and husbands do not really know exactly what each needs and wants to prepare them to "physically love" each other. God says for husbands to "dwell with them according to knowledge."
Television and movies hurt
Television and movies are lying to the world. MOST women are not passionate for sex like they are portrayed on television. Men often feel something is wrong with their wives because they do not respond as they pictured. Two things that help wives better respond to their husband are: knowing the Bible says, "Be ravished" with physical love. The other is for husbands to really love their wives ALL THE TIME and show it apart from sex.
O dear people lets show our agape love all the time so the eros love will be an outcome of God's love we show each other.
Father, help us to know what our spouses need and want so we can "love" each other as we ought. In Jesus name. All because of Calvary, sumner
Be the best lover
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Monday, January 18, 2010