Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Prayer and soul-winning go hand in hand

"Nothing of eternal consequence is ever accomplished for God apart from prayer" I heard Jerry Falwell say that scores of times. He believed it and practiced it consistently.

I am amazed that every Christian and especially every preacher does not pray what God said about lost people. "I exhort that prayers be made for ALL MEN...that they might be saved." 1 Tim 3:1-4. I am a little tired of hearing people say, "O you can't bunch them up like that and pray for all 7 billion people at once." What do you mean, that is the word of God telling us to pray for ALL MEN to be saved. PLEASE, this is not to boast but I pray for all men EVERY DAY just like God told us to pray and have done so for many years. That is one reason I have seen so many people saved through witnessing. I ask for them and remember, "You have not because you ask not" Make sense? It does to me.

Your prayer list. You must have a daily prayer list or you will forget to pray for many people and many things. Pray for your loved ones by name, daily. I prayed for my father for 40 years. He got saved when he was 85. I think it was worth it. He died at 89 and I preached his funeral, gave the gospel and over thirty people prayed to receive the Lord Jesus at his funeral.

Pray for friends, neighbors, your doctors and nurses. I have had the joy of seeing several of my doctors and nurses receive the Lord Jesus. Have their names on your daily prayer list. It works. multitudes could attest to the power of prayer in winning souls to Christ.

"My hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved" Rom 10:1

Go to our web site and read some really encouraging and challenging articles others have written. "Don't leave home with out them" TRACTS. that is really good seed you are planting. We are going to be mazed to see the results in heaven! WOW ABC Sumner

"We shall reap if we faint not"