God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten sons. Please THIINK what that unsaved father, husband, son knows about Jn 3:16 . and God gave His son. I received an email today from a couple who heard me preach some 30 years ago and they said, you told that God gave his son to suffer and die for our sins, paid the debt in full, rose again and was seen by hundreds. They said I never heard before that Jesus died for our SINS, paid our debt in full. We got saved and our lives have never been the same. Thanks for telling us what "He gave his only begotten son meant.
I, like you, have received scores of Christmas cards and a good number had Jn 3:16 either printed or written on them. That lost man or son does not know what that means unless we tell the whole gospel. The gospel is not that babe in the manger but that man Christ Jesus on the cross for our sins. That alone will bring a merry Christmas to anyone who understands He paid our debt in full, rose again and they receive Him as their Savior too. The devil will be glad for you to have a religious tingle thinking you have really spread the Christmas spirit.
In stead tell in your letter or card, "God loves you and sent His Son, the Lord Jesus, to suffer and die for our sins, paid our debt in full, rose again and was seen by hundreds. Believe God that this gospel, this good news, will take you to heaven. Believe Him, receive Him as your savior too and you will have a merry Christmas and happy new year. ABC Sumner Go to http://www.sumnerwemp.com and get blessed. Call 1-877-872-2871 order 100 "Your Ticket to Heaven and give the gospel to everyone you can through this fruitful means.