Monday, February 16, 2009

Pat is better- she and Kurt know your thousands of prayers made the difference-THANKS,

The hundreds if not thousands who prayed made a difference. Pat is much better.
By the hundreds people have asked how I see so many people saved in stores, service stations, hospitals, restaurants etc. Simple. Please don't show your wicked heart and accuse me of boasting. Every person I ever saw saved YOU could have led them to Christ. I just keep looking for the ones God has ready.
1. He that sows sparingly is going to reap sparingly. I sow a lot of seed as you who have been with me by email know. Each week I give out 50 to 100 gospel tracts. He that does not sow wont reap at all. Make sense.
2. I stay in love with Jesus. Notice I did not say I am good or never fail or sin. I CONFESS SIN all the time. BUT I surely love Jesus. Please try this. Over and over through the day, I remember or remind myself how the Lord Jesus suffered and died for my sins, paid my debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. That keeps my heart on fire. I picture Calvary and Jesus dying for my sins.
3. DON'T ever talk about your church or anyone's. The church cant save. It is too easy to get into a debate about which church is better or best. NONE can save. I NEVER argue with a person." The servant of the Lord MUST not strive", argue. I have literally walked out of a house or away from a person trying to argue with me.
4. My word but I have good news to tell people. The way to heaven has already been paid in full. Christ suffered and died for ALL of our sins. They were all yet in the future and He paid for all of them. I find most people do not know that. AND most Chrsitans never never tell Christ died for our sins. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to them that BELIEVE it will get them to heaven.
5. Be gracious and kind. I never have people get mad or even upset. I don't try to beg them to accept Christ. if they are not ready it wont do one bit of good to push. Above all keep the joy of the Lord in your own heart and give everyone a Ticket to Heaven. ABC Sumner
Go to read all new articles and rejoice. Call 1-877-872-2871 or write Good News Pub. 1300 Crescent St. Wheaton, Ill. 60187 USA to get "Your Ticket to Heaven'" tracts. Invest in eternity. Jesus is coming any minute now.