Please, PLEASE learn this. We are commanded to "Preach the gospel, THE
GOOD NEWS, to every person" not convict ever person Mark 16:15.
Folks, we have good news not bad news to tell people. Why in the world
are Christians so shy about witnessing? Satan is behind it. To not
witness you are heeding Satan and not the Savior. Quit it!
Stop trying to convict, that is why so many get mad or offended
A sincere, good evangelist preaches and teaches Christians to use the
ten commandments to bring everyone under conviction. He put out a tract
that looks exactly like a million dollar bill. Around the edge of it he
listed ten sins that people commit and tries to bring them under
conviction with it. NOW, when I was shown it, it did not have one word
of the gospel, the good news, that Christ died for our sins and rose
again and was seen by hundreds. The very thing we are commanded to do,
even as an evangelist, he did not do it. We are NOT to bring them under
conviction, that is the Holy Spirit's job and you can count on Him to
do what He is supposed to do. We must be sure we do what we are supposed
to do, give them the gospel. I always see conviction when I witness. The
Holy Spirit never fails. Make sense?
Tell them
God loves you, always tell people this, and sent His Son the Lord Jesus
to surfer and die for my sins and yours, paid our debt in full, was
buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people."
That is the full gospel, the good news you must understand and believe
to receive the Lord Jesus as your Savior too. ABC Sumner
What about the heathen?. Has everyone and will everyoine have a chance
to be saved? Wait until I give you the Biblical answer to that. Don't
miss it!
Enter the drawings daily for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the
general drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book to 5 winners in
the pastors drawing.
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