Make disciples
"Go therefore and teach all nations (many versions say, "Make disciples
of all nations" Mat 28:19) Question? How do you make disciples? Answer,
give every person you can the gospel for the gospel is "the power of God
unto salvation" that makes them disciples! Right! I am not trying to be
cute or funny but have you heard or read any disciple programs and find
they teach whole heartedly for them to share the gospel and make more
disciples until we change the world for God. Sad to say, it is missing
New converts
Many say or have the attitude, don't send out these new baby Christians
to witness. Really? How about that woman at the well who brought a whole
city to Jesus. She was a brand new believer who had lived a very immoral
life just days before. We need to teach new believers that they have a
circle of influence of about 25 people close to them. Start with them
and do all you can to win them to Christ or get them to church to hear
the gospel. I poured this into our people. It worked beautifully. We
could write a book how our people did that and the church grew by leaps
and bounds.
Old believers
Look around, think carefully. Churches are full of people who have been
saved for many years and have never led someone to Christ.
They too must be challenged and convinced to share the gospel and win
their friends and families to Christ. This JUST came to me in an email.
"Dr. Wemp - I am blessed by your emails and ministry example. 
Although I've been saved for 27 years I've never led anyone to Christ,
and I want to change that. God Bless You!" WOW again. That is the way it
ought to work. It did in the N.T. times.
Follow the leader
"Be ye followers of me as I am of Christ" must be every pastor's
example. When someone gets saved and confesses Christ before the church,
tell who lead them to Christ. When have you heard that in a church? What
a testimony and challenge to hear it worked on visitation last week.
When have you heard someone tell how they led their neighbor to Christ
and they came this morning to confess Him as their Savior".WOW.
Pray for it to happen. Preach for it to happen. You are loved by God and
me, ABC Sumner. Pray for me, I am behind in my correspondence and
answering Emails. Keep writing, I LOVE hearing from you.
Enter the drawings for a pack of tracts to 10 people in the general
drawing and a pack of tracts and with one book on pastoring to 5 winners
in the pastors drawing.