Thursday, March 20, 2008

I was so under convition but I did not know what was happeningg

You see I was never in church all those 16 years. My word but the preacher laid it on me worse than ever. But he told me every Sunday that God loved me, Christ died for my sins, paid my debt in full, rose again and was seen alive by hundreds of people. When you get convicted, don't run from God, run to Him.

The youth had a social that Friday night. I went. Was it an eye opener. We had so much fun. The young people were great. I saw real joy like I had not seen with my crowd. No one was cursing or smoking or dirty jokes. There were no hang overs either.

Jake was there and went out of his way to be friendly. What a powerful impression he was making on me. He got me alone and asked if I was a Christian. I will never forget the look of love in his eyes and on his face. When I said  "No" he said he was praying for me and hoped I would become a Christian soon. I was invited back to church.

There is not enough money in the world to equal what Jake and Franklin Street Baptist Church meant to me. It is still there.  Franklin and 16 th St. Jax, Fla. Go visit it. I am going to heaven because the people really cared for me. I hope your church is that concerned about people getting saved. YOU and I must be today. That should be on our minds  24/7. Make sense? We desperately need that love and concern.

The next Sunday did it. What a day. Whatever you do, don't miss the next part. You talk about the hand of God in something.

Almost every day people  were asking this girl if I was saved and said, "I am praying for him." I could not have gone to hell if I wanted to. So many were praying for me.

"I asked God for water, He gave me  an ocean.* I asked God for a flower, He gave  me a garden.* I asked God for a friend, He gave me YOU."

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Get  "Your Ticket to Heaven" Call 1-877-827-2871 ask for "sales" to order them in KJV, Spanish or ESV.. ABC Sumner