There is an old saying about witnessing that has gone around for years. It is, "You have to get them lost before you can get them saved." NO, NO, NO. If you do not remember anything I say, please remember this, we are to give them the gospel, the good news to people, that Christ died for their sins, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds. 1 Cor 15:1-4. THAT is the power of God unto salvation. The Holy Spirit is to do the convicting and convincing.
You must stay focused on giving them the gospel.
Lost people, unsaved, non Christians really do not know that God loves them. NEVER start out telling them they are sinners, so are you but you know God loves you. When I heard that it blew my mind and still stands out in my mind. John 3:16 starts out "God so loved the world." Campus Crusade's Four Spiritual Laws starts out with that truth and is probably most used tract ever put out.
You are a sinner is so prominent in tracts and witnessing and so terrible often the good news is not even given as pointedly and emphatically. "We are all in the same boat, we have all done wrong, we have all sinned haven't we" is a far better way to put it. I NEVER have someone not agree they too have sinned when I present it that way. Use it. It works.
There are two groups of people in the world, One expecting to get to heaven by what they do, the other by what the Lord Jesus did, when He died for our sins, paid our debt in full. This summarizes and clarifies your witness like nothing else I have ever seen.
Do you "understand" what I have explained? Five times in Matt 13, God uses the word "understand", The seed that fell on bad ground are those who "understand it not" the seed that fell on good ground (Mat
13:23) are the ones who "understand" and bring forth fruit. This is vital to getting a genuine conversion. You will see far more results from witnessing if you are careful that they understand the gospel.
Hope this helps, love you, ABC Sumner
"Thanks. This is a really a neat way to witness. I am definitely going to use this" Hope you do too.
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