"The true light that lighteth EVERY man that cometh into the world"
John 1:9.
"John the Baptist was not that light but he was sent to bear witness of that light" (the Lord Jesus) Jn 1:8-10. Now the Lord Jesus declared "He lighteth EVERY MAN who cometh into the world." NOT one is left out. Just how He does it is not told but we are told, "He lighteth EVERY MAN who comes into the world." Doesn't that make sense. Every person is lighted, given a chance to know God.
A great Biblical principle for ALL,
"For I say unto you, That unto everyone which hath shall be given and from him that hath not, even that he hath shall be taken away from him" Lk 19:26. The principle of this passage is this, To everyone who responds and uses what God gives Him, He will give more.
But those who do not respond and put to use what God gives him, be it something or some desire for good and God, God will take it away from him..
A desire to be saved or witness
For instance, God gives you a desire to read the Bible, pray, witness and you do not respond and witness, He will take away that desire and leave you alone. I have seen this in hundreds of Christians and non Christians. I have seen lost people get an urge to get saved, go to church for sometime but do not respond and receive the Lord Jesus and lose that desire and quit church. The lesson in all this. You had better do what God puts into your heart to do whether you are a Christian or not. "It is God who works in you both to will (desire) and to do of His good pleasure" Phil 2:13.
ABC Sumner
God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
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