The teaching of the tabernacle. I am going to do a series on the Tabernacle.
Imagine a fifteen-by-forty-five-foot house, constructed of three tons of gold, five tons of silver, four tons of brass, and an assortment of jewels, fine wood and fancy tapestries. This was the tabernacle, the portable house of worship built by a horde of escaped slaves. In the providence of God, the amazing project was financed by the farewell gifts to the children of Israel by their erstwhile captors, the Egyptians. Considering labor and the materials prescribed by God Himself, such a building could not be erected for less than $10 million.
The unique structure and value of the tabernacle command our attention. Never before nor since has there been such a costly prefab structure, the epitome of simplicity to dismantle and to reassemble. According to the design of the Master Efficiency Expert, it could quickly be moved by 8,500 carriers when the cloud of His presence moved forward.
God devotes two chapters of His Word to the creation, but over forty chapters to the tabernacle. While He does not have to say something more than once for it to be true and important, His extra emphasis on the tabernacle marks it as vital to us. Hebrews 9:24 says the "holy places" of the tabernacle were figures of "heaven itself." This being true, the way a person approached the holy place in the tabernacle is the way a man comes to heaven! This is the central theme of this whole series of messages: "How to Get to Heaven."
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