Friday, February 29, 2008

The Laver, the way to escape the chastening of God

The way to escape His chastening  is to judge ourselves. We simply must examine our lives and our motives daily. When the Holy Spirit shows us sin, we must deal with it. First John 2 says we can judge ourselves when we walk in the light (I:7). We do this by feeding daily on God's Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to throw light on our actions and attitudes. "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us (v. 8), but when we become conscious of our sin and "we confess our sins, e is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (v. 9). This is washing at the laver. We are not to come as some do saying "We have not sinned", and thereby "make Him a liar" (v.10), but we are to name the sin to God and trust Him to forgive it that very moment.

Now, it is one thing to confess sin and another to ask God to forgive you all your sins. Many come saying glibly "God, forgive us of our many sins." They have not confessed a thing and will not get the peace and forgiveness they desire. This is a deep truth and the reason many believers no longer have "the joy of their salvation"

(Ps. 51:12), so we must confess in order to get the joy we once new.

The ultimate purpose of the laver was for the priests to cleanse themselves so they could go into the holy place. Inside the holy place were the food for the priests or the shewbread, the altar of incense or place of prayer, and the candlestick. These represent spiritual exercises and worship for the believer. The reason most people do not enjoy praying or worshiping the Lord is that they are on the outside the holy place, out of fellowship with Him. It is such a serious thing that God warned them twice that they should wash "that they die not" (Ex. 30:20). We are under grace today, and God does not kill every believer who comes into His presence in an attempt to worship with unconfessed sins, but His mercy does not make it less wrong.

Am I my brothers keeper?  yes, Yes, YES, "Exhort (encourage) one another daily" Heb 3:13. Practice this daily! ABC Sumner

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