I never saw so many tears, of rejoicing, as the night I was saved.
Pat Wimberly, the pastor of Franklin Street Baptist Church, Jax.Fla., asked the people to come give me the right hand of Christian fellowship. I had no idea what that meant. They came, the whole church I do believe, weeping, rejoicing, hugging me, telling me they loved me, were praying for me and so happy for me. Seriously, once again I say it, there is not enough money in the whole world to buy the joy and encouragement of that event. Wish we did it every Sunday! Why don't we do it now. It impacted me forever, as right now I am almost in tears of joy remembering that moment. I hope your church does it and people respond that way. It could transform a church.
Five men were standing off to my right. Remember, I knew absolutely nothing about church. I really thought they were waiting to tell me to get out, that I was no good. Instead, they came and assured me they loved me and were so happy for me. Jake was the last, he hugged me and sobbed out how he loved me. Heaven can't be much better. Oh, dear people express your love for one another, especially for the youth.
On my way home, I passed an old fashioned Holy Roller Church, where we unsaved kids made fun of them. I looked up and said to myself, "I used to make fun of them and now I am a Christian" and I BURST OUR CRYING. I was crying so hard, I had to stop my car. I sat there for over 30 minutes weeping like a baby. Joy flooded my heart, like a great evangelist once said, "Joy flooded my heart like waves of liquid love. Right then, I sobbed out to God to save my family and friends. I wanted to get a fire engine, with the sirens blaring, come down Phoenix Avenue until we had a crowd and stand on it and shout to them the gospel, Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds and see many saved. I know now, God was calling me and telling me He wanted me to preach. But, for over a year I worked as a draftsman for the U. S. Engineers and planned on going into engineering.
Finally, I drove home, ran into the house and jumped on Mom's bed and shouted, "Mom, I got saved tonight." She said, "Oh." I asked if she was a Christian and she said, "Yes, son, your Dad and I belong to ( such and such a church)". It almost killed me for they never went to church and I say this with tears and they lived anything but a Christian life. I asked if we had a Bible. Mom said, "There is one in the bookcase in the living room." This is fabulous.
My Aunt Marion Glidden had gotten saved, sent my mother a $1.00 hard back, Scofield Reference Bible, the best reference Bible. It was required that you have one when I went to Bryan College in Dayton Tenn. a year later. That is another fantastic story. I devoured it.
I could hardly stop reading it. The Gliddens, my mother's side of the family, were all Christians, dear people and still going on with the Lord to this day. They impacted my life then and now.
The next morning at 4 a.m., riding our bikes to get our newspapers, I witnessed to Horace my best buddy. Isn't that what we are all supposed to do? No one told me to, I just did not want my buddy to go to hell. I wish I had a tape of what I said, for I did not know one verse of the Bible or anything about witnessing, I just wanted every one I knew to go to heaven too. Don't you? Praise the Lord, he got saved three weeks later. In the next few weeks I saw two more of my buddies get saved. To God be the glory, that is what I have lived for these 68 years and I hope I have many more. I had a happy birthday Sunday, I always do.
There is so much more to what God did. I owe so much to the people of Franklin Street Baptist Church, Pat Wimberly and now Terry and Bobbi Gore. They loved me, nurtured me in the Lord, oh I wish I could tell you about all of that. Bro. Wimberly took me with him to meetings all over the place to give my testimony. It staggered me how people broke into tears and were blessed as I shared what God did and the gospel. Remember how Paul told how he was saved over and over. It is not about me or Paul it is all about what GOD DID.
Very often I share the basics of my salvation to open the door to give someone the gospel. It is a great way to give the gospel to people and they do not realize it unto you finish.
I love you people and hope and pray you get the gospel to people and see them going to heaven instead of hell because you did.
Amen? ABC
"Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul." That is one reason I keep on sharing the gospel at 85 years of age. You and I MUST.
"He that winneth souls is wise" THANKS Gene Gaskins. I love you. ABC Sumner
Back to the Tabernacle Wed.
Preach the true gospel, all four points, how that 1. Christ died for our sins 2. He was buried 3. He rose again 4. He was seen by hundreds. This full gospel is the power of God unto salvation to those who believe this gospel will save them and pray to receive the Lord Jesus as his personal Savior. Rom 1:16.
Please do it now and write us about it. All Because of Calvary, C. Sumner Wemp. Call 1-877-872-2871, ask for "sales" to order my tract "Your Ticket to Heaven" Remember, I get nothing for it. ABC Sumner