The Power of Prayer- see the results of my hospitalization God instructs that the horns of the altar of incense shall be of acacia wood (Ex.30:3), overlaid with gold. Horns in the Bible speak of power. Daniel 8:6-7 speaks of the power of the ram with two horns. After the horns were broken (v. 7), "there was no power in the ram." Two articles in the tabernacle had horns on them: the brazen altar, reminding us that there is power in the blood to cleanse from all sin, and the horns on the altar of incense, speaking of power in prayer.
Not in the prayer its self but in the One to whom the prayer is directed. God has ordained to use prayer to work miracles for His saints. The horns came out of the altar, not out of the incense. The altar made of acacia wood covered over with gold, speaks of Christ.
The brazen altar speaks of Christ in His humanity, judged for our sins, while the golden altar or altar of incense, made of acacia wood and covered over with gold, speaks of Christ glorified.
Christ is our Advocate; our prayer must go through Him to the Father. He is our Intercessor who "ever liveth to make intercession for us" (Heb.7:25) at the Father's right hand. There is power in prayer directed to God through Christ. If we have the "faith as a grain of mustard seed" (Mt. 17:20), we can say to a mountain, "Be thou removed" (Mk.
11:23) and it will. James says, "Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray" (5:13). He tells us further that "the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up" (v. 15). There is power in prayer over physical sickness and ailments, so that God can intervene and work in our behalf. How tragic that so few today truly avail themselves of this power and see God work miracles in answer to prayer, to raise up the sick or afflicted. The power of prayer is summed up in James 5:16 B: "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." The availing is limited only by how much we pray. With these promises in prayer and the power of prayer, no wonder James said, "Ye have not, because ye ask not" (4:2). For one of God's children to go through life and not avail himself of this mighty weapon of warfare simply means he is cheating himself and living a beggarly life when he could live a rich life. Too often prayer is a last resort, when it should be the first. We say, "I can't do anything else to help you, but I will pray," as though this were an extremity when nothing else will avail. God help us to realize the power in prayer and use it to its fullest for His glory! "Pray without ceasing"
Exodus 30:10 says, "Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it once in a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonements: once in the year shall he make atonement upon it throughout your generations: it is most holy unto the Lord." In prayer the saint pleads for no blessing and asks for pardon that His blood has not already bought.
"No matter what accomplishments you achieve, somebody helped you" Althea Gibson
Our church secretary put one of your tracts in every church bulletin Sunday asking everyone to give Your Ticket to Heaven to someone this week. AMEN. Hope you do too.
The 8-3 pm stay in the hospital was exhausting but praise the Lord there was no blockage and no need of stents. Dozens got a "Ticket to Heaven" so it was worth it all.