What, then, should cause us to pray today? What should make the incense ascend from our hearts? Too many people claim they need to get inside an ornate church,with soft music, to put themselves"in an atmosphere and mood for prayer." External means to prompt prayer are nothing more than"strange fire." One motivation to cause incense to arise from our hearts is a look at the wondrous cross of Calvary. Fire, or prompting, from God for what the Lord Jesus has done for us, should make us pray. We do not need the external means and methods of man; we simply need to keep close to Calvary. stay in love with Jesus..
Paul said he wanted to glory in nothing "save in the cross of our Lord Jesus" (Gal. 6:14). If we do glory in the cross--not just a metal ornament about our necks or a statue with the image of Christ upon it--and with the eye of faith look back at Calvary and see what the Lord Jesus did for us, we will have all the burden, all the urge, we need to pray.
The words of my all time favorite song says it best. "When I survey the won-drous cross, On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride"
Perhaps this is why the Lord's Supper is so important for us today. Jesus said, "This do in remembrance of me" (Lk. 22:19b). As we partake of the Lord's Supper we are reminded of His death, sufferings, and the shedding of His blood, and we do show His death until He comes. When we come to the Lord's table and there truly remember His death, we have a hunger to pray. The incense is ascending up from our heart at that time, and this is a delight to God.
Prayer that is prompted by anything else is "strange incense," and God says it brings forth death; it is an abomination to Him. As believers, we should be careful not to lean on external means to motivate prayer. It may be strange fire that comes forth, and, instead of our getting our prayers answered, we might receive God's chastening.
Pro 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction
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Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional, (Spiritually)