I have never had so many write how these on witnessing are helping them witness. Today at church, a dear friend, an usher, you should have heard him go on and on about how he is learning you just have to do it all the time. That is one of the biggest keys.
After church today, Celeste and I went to a fabulous restaurant to get a chicken lettuce wrap. They were swamped. We ordered. I gave the waiter "Your Ticket to Heaven." He broke into a big smile. "I like that. I will read it." I said, "Read it and do what it says at the end from your heart". That is a planned common response I give to people who you cannot stop and witness to them further. BUT they now have a chance to go to heaven. You should memorize such statements and use them yourself. It works. In the next few minutes, six difference persons brought something to our table, I did this to each of them.
I did this to a lady at the news stand in an airport. Thirty minutes later, we heard our plane was delayed. I went back to get some gum. She was all alone and blurted out, "I read your paper, I prayed the prayer." It was glorious. She had really gotten saved all by herself. I called the pastor, He followed up.
Oh, dear people, dear people. God does that kind of thing all the time and He will for you if you just give the gospel to every person. A tract is just one great tool EVERYONE can use. More on the next step Wednesday. I LOVE YOU, ABC Sumner
"But while men slept" we Christians, the enemy filled the field with tares, and went his way. Mat 13:25. He is doing a phenomenal job today. We must wake up and fill the field with the gospel. Make sense? PLEASE DO IT in your field. Time is running out!
Go to http://www.sumnerwemp.com Start looking for health tips both Spiritual & Physical. Enter the drawings once a day, daily to win tracts. We have given thousands to YOU people.
"Moses spent 40 years thinking he was somebody, then 40 years realizing he was nobody, and then 40 years finding what God can do with a nobody" D. L. Moody
Monday, July 28, 2008
I am so excited about the responses from you
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Monday, July 28, 2008