There is a specific reason I am asking this right now. Trust me, it is vital
1. "If a man purge himself...he shall be a vessel unto honor, 'fit' for the masters use and prepared unto every good work" 2 time 2:21. Celeste and I have been to doctors scores of time in the last 10 years. They NEVER go from examining one patient to the other without washing their hands. We must also.
2. "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" 1 Jn 1:9. We are then "fit" for the master to use. "God is not going to take the pure water of life to thirst souls in a dirty vessel." Make sense.
Now you are ready to be used. This must be an every morning routine and every soul winning attempt.
You and I must take the initiative in witnessing. I never feel I should ask if I should witness to a person, or ask Him to lead me to speak to someone. I am already commanded to preach the GOSPEL to EVERY person I have a chance to. OF COURSE, you do not walk down the street and stop everyone and give them a tract. You do it as you have a moment of verbal contact with them. I must do it graciously and in total dependence on the Holy Spirit to do the convicting as He said He would. I NEVER try to convict a person. That is the Holy Spirit's job. You don't go there.
If you have proved a better way to approach someone than giving them a tract. PLEASE tell me what it is. I will try it. BUT, I have proved it a couple of thousands of times that graciously giving a person a tract does two things. They now have a chance to get saved. Secondly it opens the door to share the gospel so easily. Plan on it. NEVER leave home without this superb tool, tracts.
What will be a most thrilling moment is when we cast our crowns at Jesus feet. Rev 4:10. Well Glory! Don't miss out on that moment "when we see Jesus"
How thrilling to hear from you how God used our tracts to get the gospel to people and lead someone to Christ. Go to for encouraging articles. Call 1-877-872-2871 (no charge) or to a Christian book store to get "Your Ticket to Heaven" Published by Good News Publishers. PLEASE understand, I do NOT get one penny from the sales.
The Glory of God, and, as our only means of glorifying Him, the salvation of human souls, is the real business of life.-- C. S. Lewis