1. "A Sower went forth to sow" Matt 13. You can have the most fertile field in the world but you wont get a thing praying all day if you don't get up and go. We put up signs saying "Come and hear" and Go says, "go and tell. "
2. We must plant all the seed we can. You have to plant seed if you want to pick fruit.
3. You must scatter the seed. You just don't dig an enormous whole and pour bushels of seed in the one hole. Recently a fine Christian couple told me how they have been working on another couple for 39 years, trying to get them saved. From the rest of the conversation, it was obvious they were not working on any others. NO. we must scatter the seed. 4.
4. All the seed was good, the ground was different. Some fell among thorns, some by the wayside, some on shallow ground.
5. It is of utmost importance that we sow the seed God told us to sow and that is the GOSPEL. I hear people say, we must share our faith. NO. we are to share the gospel. Some say we are to share Christ. You can talk about Christ all day but unless you give the GOSPEL OF CHRIST you are not going to reap a harvest for "the gospel is the power of God unto salvation" Rom 1:16.
6. What is the gospel. It is startling how the gospel is omitted from tracts, sermons and conversations. People talk about God and about Christianity, about the church and on and on and never give the gospel. This is the primary difference in witnessing. We must give the GOSPEL clearly and completely.
7. The Biblical and scriptural gospel is "How Christ died for our sins, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds" 1 Cor 15:1-4.
In my seventy years of witnessing I have found very few are saved just by hearing the gospel one time. A successful soul winner will give the gospel two or three times in one session of witnessing.
8. You MUST NOT assume the one you are witnessing to knows one thing about the Bible, especially the true and full gospel. Take John 3:16 for example. People quote it so glibly and think they have given the gospel with the "greatest gospel verse in the Bible." NO it is not. John 3:16 does not have the gospel in it at all. "God gave His only begotten son" does not mean a thing to that lost person. The gospel, the GOOD NEWS, the power of God, is that "Christ died for our sins", paid our debt in full, was buried, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people. 1 Cor 15:1-4.
"Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" Rom 10:17. It is so important to memorized the Word of God so you can quote it to people when you do not have a Bible ii hand and faith cometh by "hearing" not "reading" the Word of God.
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and begin planting seed and reaping a harvest for God.
"Ye shall be witnesses unto me" Acts 1:8. Are you? A hundred years from you will wish you had been. Like Peter say, ":At Thy Word I will. " ABC Sumner