Monday, October 6, 2008

On hindrance to witnessing- most important to know to witness.


"The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked" Jer.. 17:9. "Out of the heart proceedeth evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness..." Mett 15:19. If a Christian is walking in the flesh and not walking in the spirit he is susceptible to any of the deeds of the flesh. No wonder that even preachers fall into immorality. Christian must learn to be filled and walking in the control and power of the Holy Spirit or he for sure will not witness. "Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you and ye SHALL BE WITNESSES UNTO ME. Make sense?

"The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak" Matt 26:41 .Almost all born again Christian's know they ought to and want to witness but the flesh is weak .There must be that conscious and total dependence on the Holy Spirit to witness effectively. I have written on being filled with the Holy Spirit over and over again. It is simple, Understand what the will of the Lord is... be not drunk with wine...but be filled with the Holy Spirit" Eph 5:17, 18. Don't be under the influence and control of wine but be under the control of the Holy Spirit. "How?" By asking. . "If we ask anything according to his will" by faith, "we know that we have it" 1 Jn 5:14-15. Or just "yield your members as instruments of righteousness unto God" Rom 6:13. and walk by faith that the Holy Spirit has control over you.

"For the flesh lusteth (desires) against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh" Gal 5:7. Dr. Kenneth Weist a great Greek scholar says. "Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not putting gas in the tank but putting a driver behind the wheel." God wants us to depend on and trust the Holy Spirit to control us so we can witness in His power. Walking in the Spirit is a constant and conscious dependence on the Holy Spirit to control us and do what He cam to do in our lives, control us and use us to His glory. Make sense? I love YOU and long for you to be controlled by the Holy Spirit and see many people saved. ABC Sumner The second hindrance to witnessing Wed.