Monday, October 27, 2008

"Pray for Kings, all in authority and all men" do you?

God says, "Pray for 1. Kings, (Our President and all other "rulers", etc), 2. "all in authority" does that ever cover a lot of influential people, 3. "all men" "That we might lead a quiet and peaceable life" for God "would have all men to be saved". 1 Tim 2:1-4.

This is really URGENT. Are we living a "quiet and peaceable life"? NO, NO, NO, Do you have any idea why we are not? It is because we are not praying DAILY for ALL Kings, All in authority and ALL men and I think it must be DAILY. The devil has us hood winked and most think because once a year the church or your pastor prays for them we have really done what the Lord says. If you or your child were really ill wouldn't you want the pastor and people to pray for you DAILY and not just once? Make sense?

You pray for them to be saved. 1 Tim 2:4

You pray for "wisdom" for God says above all things ask for wisdom. It is more precious that "diamonds" and "treasures" and will keep you from "the strange woman" and the "evil man". Prov 2, 3. you must read James 1:5.

The election this week is the most important one of all of my life and maybe the history of America if God is God and we acknowledge Him as our God. We must vote for a president who is going to keep our God as God in whom we trust. Make sense?.

You MUST give all the kids a gospel tract as they go trick or treating. I have some fabulous stories of people being saved and that is the only thing that is going to change our world. Make sense?

Go to for encouraging messages. PLEASE Pray for a BIG decision about this ministry. YOU are dearly loved and I long for you to see THE HAND OF GOD UPON YOUR LIFE. ABC Sumner

"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus"

1 Tim 1:5. "Believest thou this?"

"Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only" James 1:22. Make sense?