One of the reasons it is so great is that we are the "heirs of this great salvation" and angels had a lot to do with getting us to Jesus. WOW. "Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation" Heb 1:14.
People often say so many things about angels. They talk about "our guardian angel" Or some say, "An angel was watching over you." Well there may more truth to that then we realize. To know how they "ministered" for us is hard to say but God said they did! And now we have become the "heirs of salvation" while millions around us are lost and wqithout hope and God headed to hell. This ought to make us fall on our face before God and worship and praise Him to no end. Doesn't this startle you and make you aware of what you have in this great salvation? How much appreciation are you showing God for being an heir of this great salvation. Don't neglect it. Get in on all God wants to do to you and through you. Make sense? You are GREATLY loved by God and little old me. ABC Sumner
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Don't neglect the privilege of sharing this gospel and salvation. Get some tracts, call 1-877-872-2871 ask for "sales" "He that winneth souls is wise" Pro 11:30
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