"Lay up treasures in heaven". You know it'd Everything else you will leave right here. All fortune, fun, frivolous, and favorite things. YOU CAN WIN SOULS TO CHRIST WHO WILL LIVE FOREVER IN HEAVEN INSTEAD OF HELL. Satan has lied long enough saying, "We can't all be soul winners. THAT is a lie. God commands us to get the gospel to "every" person possible. Mk 16:15. He also said the harvest in plenteous. Let's obey God and not Satan.
How much do you want to take with you. Some are going to take 30 fold, some 60 fold and some 100 fold.Would you be happy with a million dollar automobile that produced less than 100 fold. Dear Sir, Kind lady, you are worth a billion times more than a million dollar car!. Please don't run on 30 percent of your worth or 60 but 100. Make sense.
Priority 1 for 2009 is to produce 100 fold and not a mere 10%. Make sense. Start out by planting seeds through good gospel filled tracts so that friend will have a chance to go to heaven instead of hell. Call 1-877-872-2871 ask for "sales" and get 100 "Your Ticket to Heaven". What a great Christmas present and chance to go to heaven. I get NO remunerations. I love you Sir, Lady. ABC Sumner
"He that winneth souls is wise" ARE YOU?!