""These things have I written unto you that your joy might be full" 1 Jn 1:4.
Please believe God, He wants your life FILLED with joy. If it isn't it is not God's fault!
What is one of the greatest if not the greatest joy to come about in your home. One of the greatest ever is when each of our children was born. The first time I held each of those beautiful babies, my heart overflowed..When I kissed those soft precious cheeks the warmth and joy burned inside me. Dear people when you see someone born of God right before your eyes, nothing can compare to that joy. If you have ever tasted that joy, how can you not share the gospel with everyone you are around for a few minutes. Hundreds have asked me, how do you keep so fired up. That is how.
The same things go on in a church. Preachers and people who give the gospel to every person and on every occasion they can and see people getting saved will keep that joy flowing and filling them. One of my goals every year is to see at least one person born again every week through sharing the gospel. Make it one of your goals too. You will stay so filled with joy, it will amaze you.
Last week I gave "Your Ticket to Heaven to a cashier in a store. she blurted out, I want that> I want to get saved. Softly, for there was a line of people behind me, I told her to read the tract carefully and if she understood it and meant it, to pray right there to receive the Lord Jesus. She said out loud, "I will do it tonight." I went back and she blurted out, "I did it, I read the tract and prayed the prayer and got saved, and saved she was. That is what we all ought to see regularly for God said, "the harvest is plenteous, just one problem "the laborers are few". I hope you get in on this joy. ABC Sumner
Go to www.sumnerwemp.com read and rejoice. I love you. ABC Sumner