Think about it!
"Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good report, think on these things" Phil. 4:8. What in the world are you thinking about? "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" Pro. 23:7.
PLEASE this is not a slap in the face or a put down but I hope a thought provoking message. What are you watching on TV? In the movies? Reading in books, magazines etc. Just the advertising or the movies, TV, books etc is enough to make you blush or should I say used to make Christians blush. Just the advertising is enticing enough to make the rapists, perverts aroused ,commits the horrible, hellish crimes. A man would have to be kidding or lying to say he is not bothered or temped by so many of the movies..
Now dear Christian, GOD said think on the "pure" Be honest with yourself. Do you rehash and rethink of the enticing entertainment that you would be embarassed if Jesus walked in? You and I know that He knows all about what you are wtching and your reactions to it are. Get off that dumb crud and read your Bible, witness to the lost, give them the gospel like Jesus said to do and like somone told you how to be saved and it changed your life forever. Help change them and your world. or don't gripe when your loved one or friend is molested. "Set your affections on things above" "Give the gopsel to that waitress or person at your door and help to really change people and the world. Be a real christian and say, "I will set no wicked thing before my eyes" Ps 101:3.
Remember, "God and I love you dearly" All Becasue of Calvary, ABC Sumner
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