Celeste is not doing well and we need wisdom to know what to do. PRAY, PRAY!
Jesse Hendly was a powerful and prominent pastor and evangelist some fifty years ago. I heard so many phenomenal stories of how God used him. Celeste and I went to a Bible conference and met about six couples from Colonial Hills Baptist Church just outside Atlanta GA. One couple became very close friends, Price and Willis Horton. Price was probably Jesse's right hand man.
Every time we were with them, I would pump Price to find out what it was about Jesse that God used him so greatly. Thousands were saved under Jesse's ministry. Price would get exasperated with me and kept saying, "I don't know, God just used used him. Jesse was a fabulous teacher of the Bible. He taught his people Greek and they knew the Bible better than any other Christians we knew.
One evening, we had just had a big steak cook out in their mansion of a home and were just fellowshipping and was it rich. Once again as we talked about Jesse who was then in heaven, I asked Price, a very successful businessman, very well to do, What did Jesse do, what was the key to seeing God use him so much. Price, was almost fed up with me blurted out, "I don't know Wemp, all I know is that Jesse was madly in love with Jesus" and heaven came down in that room. We all sat there weeping for that was the key and we knew it. That was one of the greatest moments of all of my life.
Dear people, that is the key, the main key to being used of God, JUST STAY MADLY IN LOVE WITH JESUS. Do you love Jesus like that? Everyone who gets saved probably loved Him like that at first. Too many of us have left our first love" Rev 2. "Return and do the first works" and see that love restored. ABC Sumner