When I landed in Wash. D. C. I found my next flight to Albany N. Y. was canceled. As I went up to the ticket counter, two men were right behind me who were also going to Albany. The agent rerouted the three of us. It was right at dinner time and I asked about getting a meal ticket. Back then he gladly gave us meal tickets.
WE ate together and I began to share the gospel. It was obvious one of the men did not have a clue what I was talking about. The other did.
Now look what God did. I was ticketed to sit next to the man who knew what it was about. His heart was so open and he gladly prayed with me to receive the Lord Jesus as his Savior and then asked if I knew a certain Bible college. I said, "I know it well and that it was a wonderful Christian college. He said, "My daughter graduated from there and married a preacher and he now pastors in New Orleans. She has prayed for me and pleaded with me to accept Christ as my Savior. Wait unto I get home and call and tell her I got saved 30,000 feet in the air.
Who cares? There are many millions burdened for a loved one, praying for someone to lead them to Christ. Do you have a loved one you are burdened for, praying for and praying someone would lead them to Christ. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Then, like the rich man in hell, there are multiplied millions in hell pleading for someone to lead their loved ones to Christ lest they come to this awful place. You can be sure you sat next to a person who has a loved on in hell pleading for you to lead them to Christ. Did you? Will you? Who cares? Do you? WE ALL MUST CARE AND SHARE THE GOSPLE WITH THEM. Make sense? Only we can "change" America and turn it back to God. We must. And I LOVE you. Keep praying for Celeste, she need healing from God.
My religion is very simple -- my religion is kindness. -- the Dalai Lama, Excuse me kind sir but the Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died for your sins and mind, paid our debt in full, rose again and was seen by hundreds of people. God says we must trust and receive the Lord Jesus as our personal Savior.