Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Encourage one another DAILY" Heb 3:13

Exhort one another daily...lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin" Heb 3:13.

Never in my 86 years have I seen God's people tried, troubled and torn apart as they are today. There is an epidemic of broken hearts, lives and homes under the attack of Satan. How desperately do Christians need to be "exhorted" encouraged by each other instead of a steady stream of criticism and division.

Who did YOU encourage yesterday, today? We have to realize this is a command, "Exhort one another daily" Not once in a life time or week but DAILY. Get off that dumb TV and call a friend and encourage them. When have you encouraged your pastor? All hell is breaking loose on the ministry today. If you could read the emails I get from our list of 10,000 people and hear their heart breaks you would turn off that dumb TV and obey the Bible and encourage a half a dozen people right now. You reap what you sow. If you encourage someone else today, tomorrow when the roof caves in on you, you might get someone to encourage you. Make sense?

PRAY FOR CELESTE. We are to see the Dr. today and hope he has some answers and remedies God can use on her or just heal her Himself for His glory. I NEED PRAYER TOO. It is killing me to see her hurting so much. THANIKS for praying I love YOU, ABC Sumner

My days are numbered in writing these articles. It has been my great joy and privilege these 7 years. ABC