Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How God works through the Holy Spirit in your daily life

When the Spirit comes, He transforms our lives and fills our life with joy. He says, Stay with Me."
God the Father
In the Old Testament days, God the Father, the Head of the Trinity, was the prominent One at work here on earth. He walked with Adam and Eve. He called and led Moses. He worked miracles.
God the Son
In the time that Christ walked the earth, God the Son, the Lord Jesus, was the prominent one. He worked miracles, called and led the disciples, and taught His people. He said, "It is finished," and died on the cross for our sins. Then He rose again, went back to heaven and "sat down at the right hand of God" (Mark 16:20). Why did Jesus sit down? He had finished the work that He had come to earth to do!
God the Holy Spirit
Soon after His resurrection, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to take up where He had left off and to take over here on earth. Today, the Holy Spirit is still at work in our lives. According to the Bible, the Spirit has over 30 specific ministries to believers. But you know what? We keep asking the Lord Jesus to do what He sent the Holy Spirit to do.
People ask the Lord Jesus to lead them, but the Bible says that we are "led by the Spirit" (Romans 8:14). People ask the Lord Jesus to comfort them, but He said, "I will pray to the Father and he shall give you another comforter, that he may abide with you forever" (John 14:16). It will totally transformed your life if you catch this principle and let the Holy Spirit do in your life what He came to do.
Learning how to walk daily in the Spirit is the greatest need of Christians today. The fruit of the Spirit is love, and you can have all you want!
Prayer: Amazing Father, thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to do all of these wonderful things in our lives. Teach us what He came to do. May we let Him work in our lives and be filled with Your joy and purpose. In Jesus' name,  Amen.
Quote for the Day: "To be rightly related to Christ makes you a Christian. To be rightly related to the Holy Spirit makes you a spiritual Christian." —Lewis Sperry Chafer