The king of Aram wanted to overthrow the king of Israel. However, the prophet Elisha kept warning the king of Israel of the Aramean king's plans, allowing the Israelite king to avoid capture multiple times.
Furious, the king of Aram asked his servant how the king of Israel was foiling his plans. His servant replied, "Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom" (2 Kings 6:12). The king said, "Go and see where he is, that I may send and take him." And it was told him, saying, "Behold, he is in Dothan" (6:13).
So the king of Aram sent horses and chariots and a great army there, and they came by night and surrounded the city. When Elisha's servant went outside, he saw the army, the horses and the chariots encircling the city. He said to Elisha, "Alas, my master! What shall we do?" Elisha answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them" (6:14–16).
Then Elisha prayed, "O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he saw the mountain full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (6:17).
What a great moment! Dear people, you may teach a Sunday School class, lead a Bible study, counsel and exhort others, pastor, and preach to a host of people. These people come to you with many problems, troubled and perplexed. You must be equipped to know the Word of God and understand what God is doing. Those of us who teach and preach need to pray, "O Lord, open their eyes that they may see."
That, dear people, is one of the greatest needs in the church today. I'm over 80 years old, and I am appalled at people's lack of knowledge of the Bible and the lack of discernment that I see in our culture. We must ask God to open people's eyes to the spiritual battle that is going on all around us.
Prayer: Father, open the eyes of those reading this so that they may know who You are and how You are working in their lives. Teach them to invest in those things that will bring blessing to them, glorify You, and allow them to lay up treasures for eternity. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Quote for the Day: "We have to pray with our eyes on God, not on the difficulties." —Oswald Chambers