1. Read His Word. God wrote you a letter, you ought to read your mail 2. Remember His Word, (memorize it). Be like Jesus, He memorized the Bible 3. Rehearse His Word (meditate therein day and night)
There are three great spiritual exercises that are too often neglected
1. Fasting: Jesus said, "But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting" Matt. 17:21
2. Footwashing, Jesus said, "If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them" John 13:17.
3. Meditation. God said, "You will prosper and have good success" Josh. 1:8,9.
We all want these results
"This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success" Josh. 1:8
What is meditation
It means to think seriously and intensely on God and His Word. Meditate means "prolonged, concentrated thinking." It is not just putting your mind in neutral and dwell on anything that comes to your mind. Satan puts many foolish and wicked thoughts into people's mind.
How do you do it?
Get alone if possible or just think as you drive. No TV or radio or distractions. Be sure all sin in confessed and cleansed. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach and minister to you through this passage. Open your Bible to a verse or passage you have a special interest in or God has put on your heart. Read the verses and then read each word slowly and think of other verses with this same word and how they fit with this verse.
A powerful exercise and experience This is one of my pet spiritual exercises and experiences. From the night I was saved, I have practiced meditating on God, our dear Father, our wonderful Savior, the sweet Holy Spirit and verses of the Bible. It is awesome how the Holy Spirit will give you insight, ideas, spiritual wisdom and truths from this practice. Thousands of times I have been overcome with God's presence, power and blessing. The key is to stay focused especially on His Word and the Lord Jesus.
Prayer: Father help your children reading this to master the spiritual exercise of meditating on the things of God and may their lives but enriched and eternally benefited from this great experience. In Jesus name.
Words to live by: O dear people this may be the sweetest spiritual experience you will every practice. ARE YOU MEMORIZING THE VERSES WE GAVE YOU WEDNESDAY? I wish everyone would do it! It is worth more than a kings forturne. Sumner Wemp
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Meditate and prosper and succeed
Posted by Sumner Wemp at Wednesday, August 26, 2009