Monday, August 31, 2009

What is the most important thing that has happened to you!

Relate His Word: preach it.

The first thing Jesus said to his disciples was, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men," not great students of the Bible or prayer warriors, though we all ought to be that as well, but FISHERS OF MEN! Are you a fisher of men? Matt. 4:19. The last thing Jesus said was, "Preach the gospel to EVERY creature (person) Mark 16:15.

What a privilege

What is the most important thing to ever happen to you? Why, getting saved, of course. Then, what is the most important thing you can do for someone else? Why, get them saved, of course. Think of it, "We are ambassadors of Christ" and have the privilege of helping people go to heaven instead of hell.

Someone told you.

Who "preached the gospel" to you and you got saved? Someone cared enough to obey God and get the gospel to you, then why don't we do the same for our family, friends and even foes? Gene Gaskins planted the seed, got me to church to hear the gospel and I got saved. I am eternally grateful to him for it and have told him so scorers of times.

Jesus did it

Jesus told a most unlikely woman who had been married 5 times, living with a man that she was not married to (pretty modern, huh) and she got saved and brought a whole city to Christ John 4. You could do the same today.

Philip preached to one person

Philip preached to that Ethiopian Eunuch and he got saved and was the first one to get the gospel into Africa. Jesus preached to that one "woman at the well," she got saved and brought the whole city to Jesus.

We can change the world

They say there are 50 million "born again" Christians in America. If each one, won one, in one year, we would have 100 million believers next year. Then if each one of them won one in one year, we would have 200 million born again believers in American. That is most of the population and that would change our country dramatically. "The harvest is plenteous" Do you believe it? The problem is "the laborers are few." Matt. 9:37. Let's be one of the laborers and get in on the harvest. Surely, you can win one person to Christ in a whole year. Will you?

O dear people, we must be like Joshua, "as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15 and like Peter, "because you say so, I will" Luke 5:5. All because of Calvary, sumner

Prayer:  Father, make us worship You and witness for You like You told us to do. In Jesus name

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men" Matt. 4:19