Husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself up for her" Eph. 5:25.
I want to do a series on husbands and wives relationships, 1 Spiritually 2. Emotionally 3. Physically.
1. Relationship of husband to wife, Spiritually.
The word "love" is agape which is God's love, unselfish love, sacrificial love, the fruit of the Spirit which is not natural, Gal 5:22. When you married her, you promised to :"love her until death do you part." Now DO IT.
It means to look out for her good and her happiness. It means to please her and not demand that she please you. To expect and demand that she please you is selfish, devilish, carnal and unbiblical. (More on this and her part later and she should want to please you.) "So that you have sincere love for your brothers, love one another deeply, from the heart" 1 Peter 1:22. Dear people, this is for husbands and wives just as much as for brothers and sisters in Christ. Make sense? Husband you have a spiritual ministry to your wife, first and foremost. Love her. Make her know she is loved with words and ways. Make sense?
Everyday when you come home you ought to check up on your wife and see how she is doing. Too often we barge in and blow off about what a hard time we had at work. That is selfish, carnal living. She probably had a hard time with the kids, the kitchen sink and on and on. "Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others" (and that includes wives.) We are not to look out for number one (ourselves) but others and ESPECIALLY our wives, and you must if you want them to "be submissive to your husbands" 1 Peter 3:1. I am shocked at men who don't genuinely "love their wives" and then expect their wives to "be in submission" to them. THAT IS DEAD WRONG and men who do that need to wake up.
O kind sir, your wife gave herself, gave her body, to you and believe me that is hard for every woman, you must love her, unselfishly. You are to "leave" your mother and father and "cleave" to your wife. You loved and honored your mother now do the same for your wife. That is one of your primary spiritual ministries. Just as much as being a deacon or usher or S. S. teacher. Be diligent at both. You are the "head" of your home. You are the leader, now lead in loving.
Quote: "It is not only important to marry the right person but also to be the right partner."
Prayer: Father, bless us men and help us to love our wives even as You love us. In Jesus name.