Thanks be to God:Allah or Jehovah?
"Thanks be to God"
Recently I saw a cartoon on an editorial page in which the question
was asked, "Who is God, the Israeli God, Jehovah or the Muslim God,
Allah?" The cartoon was of Allah and he answered, "We are the same." I
shouted, "No" a thousand times "No." This is not a hate of Muslims. I
have some very dear friends who are Muslim and I love them.
There is no other God
"Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of
none" Isa. 44:8. If there were another living eternal God, Jehovah,
"the eternal God" Deut. 33:27 would have known him. Doesn't that make
sense? "I am the LORD, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no
God " Isa. 45:5. "For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He
is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did
not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited), "I am the
LORD, and there is none else" Isa 45:18. See Isaiah 43-46 for verse
after verse which states "there is no other God, I know not any."
There is such a vast difference in Allah and God. Allah says, "Give
your son to die for me to go to heaven, God gave His Son to die for
our sins so we can go to heaven.
India's 300 million gods
India has 300 million gods who are worshipped by the billion people
there. Who of them can claim they created the heavens and the earth?
Who of all the gods of all religions has a just plan for the
forgiveness of man's sins against God and humanity. Only Jehovah, the
God of the Bible, has a perfect plan.
Oh, dear people, give thanks that God opened your eyes to know the
true and living God and His Son the Lord Jesus who paid our debt of
sins. Doesn't that make sense?
Father, thank You that You opened our eyes and we know You and have
forgiven of our sins, Help us to love You with all of our hearts. in
Jesus name. If you have not prayed to accept Jesus Christ as your
Lord and Savior please contact us ( or talk to a
Christian friend close to you.