Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Romance in Marriage, see what the bible says WOW

"Let her breasts satisfy you at all times" Pro. 5:19. What a staggering statement in the Bible. It is there on purpose. It is a Biblical principal for married men. Husbands and wives need to know this and apply it as God intended.
It changed her marriage
While speaking in a marriage seminar, a beautiful lady asked if she could speak to me. She asked, "Why is it that every time my husband kisses me he puts his hands on my breast. It is as if he is a sex fien." I asked, "Do you think I am a sex fiend?" "Of course not" she replied. "What would you say if I told you that most of the time when I kiss my wife in private, I put my hand on her breasts? I love every bone in her body and to me it is just pouring love into to her. I am not always thinking about sex but just loving her.  To say she was shocked is an understatement.
The next day she said, "Last night I went to bed with my husband and for the first time I did not feel dirty. You made sex sound so right and loving." A few months later she told me that the truth had transformed their marriage. She was able to respond to her husband's wonderful physical expression of love as she should.  This realization brought a new joy to their marriage that had been missing.
Why some wives don't respond as they should is that some women were brought up in an ultra conservative family, where sex was not to be mentioned outside the confines of the bedroom. It is often hard for them to respond as God intended for wives to do because they have learned to associate sex as something dirty not of God. Then some women learned about sex in a very wrong atmosphere. Other women were mistreated, molested and even raped and this has scared them for life.
A wife had been raped
After I had preached in a church, a young couple came to me and the wife was weeping and sobbing. She had been raped while in college and devastated from it and still held bitterness in her heart. I told her as I have told many "Pray as the Lord Jesus did, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. Then by faith, forgive the man who assaulted you turn your hurt and bitterness over to God.  Once you have turned all over to God, move forward with your dear husband who loves you no matter what happened." This young lady prayed with me right then and you should have seen the peace of God come over her. She grabbed her husband and they kissed and their marriage was transformed.
Let him be satisfied
O dear ladies, let your husband be satisfied with you body. You don't want him to look and lust after other women. Let him be so satisfied with you that he will be like Joseph when Potiphar's wife tried to entice him.  She said, "Lie with me." He said, "How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?" Gen. 39:9. Don't worry I am going to be hard on husbands who do not give you the love and tenderness that women need and deserve from their husbands.
To be continued: the need and joy of romance in marriage. God loves you and so do I, all because of Calvary, sumner
Prayer:  Father, bless this couple and make their marriage so full of love and joy that they will a great example, good role models to young people and young couples, In Jesus name